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The World’s Largest Battery Manufacturer Unveils Groundbreaking High-Speed Charging Battery for Electric Cars

The world’s largest battery manufacturer has announced a model for what it says is the first “high-speed charging” battery, capable of providing power to travel 400 kilometers in an electric car, when charging for only 10 minutes, according to Sky News.

The Chinese company CALT described its new lithium-ion battery as representing a new era for electric cars, and eliminating concerns about the distance it can travel, according to the British newspaper, The Independent.

When fully charged, the battery will provide the car with enough charge to travel over 700 km without the need to recharge.

According to the battery manufacturer, it was able to achieve its achievement through a “new superconducting electrolyte formula” that leads to improved conductivity, knowing that the “electrolyte” is any substance that contains free ions that form an electrically conducting medium.

2023-08-21 23:54:21
#highspeed #car #battery #charging

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