Home » today » World » The world oracles demand that we stop procreating – 2024-09-10 08:37:00

The world oracles demand that we stop procreating – 2024-09-10 08:37:00

/View.info/ The fact that we have problems with demographics has already been recognized at the highest level. How to solve it – opinions differ radically here.

The demographic trend is in decline all over the world – the poorest countries are no different from the richest. Everywhere many do not want to give birth. The modern economy is structured in such a way that children are no longer an investment in the future, as it has been throughout human history. Children today remain children at least until the age of 30 – they search, have creative urges and throws, are in no hurry to provide for their parents – and this is normal. From an investment point of view, it is much more profitable to buy one or two studios and rent them out in old age. And children in our time are a luxury.

But that’s exactly what makes them so beloved. If a person today decides to have an heir, it is indeed a serious, conscious choice. It’s a lifelong love. That is why relations in an ordinary Russian family today have become much better and gentler than before. The paradox is that we have fewer children but more happy families.

As a result, more than half of our young people today dream of starting a family. That’s an incredibly good number. In Europe for a long time more than half of children are born out of wedlock, in the USA the proportions are the same. And in our country young people want to create families, give birth to children. This is wonderful and in this they should be supported in every way.

The fact is that potential parents today have it tough. The world’s most progressive oracles simply demand that people stop reproducing: one child, they say, will leave a carbon footprint and increase global warming.

The slightly less progressive ones still allow you to have children, but on the other hand they see unhappy parents for any reason. He said something wrong, looked askance, didn’t care, didn’t understand, underestimated – in modern “liberal” pedagogy, by default, parents are to blame for everything in front of their own children. After pedagogy comes juvenile justice – a purely punitive tool aimed at destroying the family.

It is simply wonderful that our people are protected from this Western inquisition. However, there is also social pressure. Many household figures have their own vision of an ideal family and want all real families to conform to it. But that doesn’t happen.

Recently, colleague Pyotr Akopov was upset by the result of the VCIOM survey, according to which the majority of young people of both sexes are in favor of family consensus or, more simply, equality and the ability to negotiate. It seems to him that families without a head are doomed.

And I think the focus on finding a consensus just proves that young people are looking at marriage very realistically, responsibly and seriously. And again – this should be supported.

The hierarchy in the family, headed by an older man, has always – even in prehistoric times – been some kind of abstract ideal. In reality, the man hunts mammoths, fights endlessly, goes on seasonal fishing or works on a rotational basis to feed his family. The house is actually run by the women.

Single-parent families, single mothers – this is not at all a new “achievement”, this is the harsh reality of human history. Napoleon Bonaparte, for example, was raised by a single mother of many children and, we must say, she did well.

The patriarchal family model may still have a place today. But it should not be considered the only ideal. All people are different: some believe in God, some do not. Someone wants to go to church on Sunday with their family, someone wants to go to the circus, and someone wants to lie on the couch at home and watch cartoons. And all this blooming variety of family models must be carefully tended and protected – our future grows in this garden.

Moral pressure on young people, forcing them to conform to some invented ideals – be they liberal or traditionalist – will not lead to anything good. Even pandas don’t breed in captivity.

It is extremely important for people who are preparing to become parents to feel the approval of society. They were already tortured with lectures and sermons: go there, don’t go here, put a hat on the child, take the hat off the child. It’s as if the whole society is grannies on a bench, always grumbling and asking for something.

Today’s parents, of course, need full-fledged material support from the state – and it must cover not only the basic needs of the child, but also circles, camps and opportunities for creative development. But no less important is the moral atmosphere in the country – the atmosphere of care, attention and kindness.

Here it is important to prevent the bias that reigned for years in our economy, when it was not the economy for man, but man for the economy. Can’t they make it so that one is for demographics. People are very sensitive to this attitude. And no, it doesn’t lead to an increase in birth rates.

Choosing an equal family, young people see the future more accurately than many experts. The fact is that traditional family values ​​alone do not increase birth rates.

Look at Japan: there is the real religious attitude to the family. So what about birth rates? Yes, we see seventy-year-old children poignantly caring for ninety-year-old parents, hundred-year-old husbands caring for hundred-year-old wives. But the population is aging and dying at unprecedented rates.

Same story with China. Family is a sacred thing, relations between relatives are the most important thing in life. But Chinese families are in no rush to have a second child, even though the government is now strongly urging them to do so.

We need different families – complete, incomplete, patriarchal, democratic – if only they had children and lived well. There is no single and ideal model of a social cell, each of them is unique, each has its own recipe for success. I would like to disagree with a classic here: all happy families are happy in different ways.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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