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The world is terrified by a new coronavirus mutation from South Africa called Nu

Flights from these countries will be suspended from Friday and these countries will be on the list of most risky countries. “There’s nothing worse than a new variant in the running wave,” Lauterbach tweeted Thursday night.

According to its president Ursula von der Leyen, the European Commission will propose to stop flights from southern Africa. Germany is preparing for a drastic step. This wants to designate South Africa as an area with coronavirus mutations, which would make travel impossible. The head of Chancellor Helge Braun’s office expects a flight ban.

British Health Minister Sajid Javid claims that the vaccines will be at least 40 percent less effective in the case of the new variant, writes the Daily Mail server.

The new variant, still known as B.1.1.529 and which the World Health Organization could call it Nu, carries a “very unusual constellation” of mutations. Because of them, it might be easier for her to overcome immunity and be more contagious. The variant should have more than 30 mutations, which is about twice as much as the delta variant, experts say.

The findings of the new variant are to be discussed by a working group of the World Health Organization (WHO) on Friday.

British experts say it will take another two to eight weeks before they can study the variant in sufficient detail to find out how infectious or resistant to vaccines they are.

B.1.1.529 caused an exponential growth of the disease in South Africa and spread to other countries. Although only 100 cases of the new variant have been officially confirmed so far, it is already in three countries. This suggests that it is more widespread than official data suggest.

Two cases were found in Hong Kong – both had links to South Africa – three were intercepted in Botswana and the rest are in South Africa. After this variant was first detected, the number of people infected in South Africa increased tenfold.

“After a devastating delta wave, this variant dominates all diseases in South Africa. We estimate that 90 percent of cases are infected with this variant, “said Professor Tulio de Oliveira, head of the coronavirus monitoring team in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

No cases have been identified in the UK so far, but the government is trying to prevent the introduction of this option through travel restrictions. “We will require that anyone who arrives from these countries from Sunday 4:00 to be quarantined immediately,” said Sajid Javid, the British health minister, and continued. undergo PCR testing. If anyone has returned from these countries in the last ten days, they will be contacted and asked to go for a PCR test. “

Currently, about 500 to 700 people travel to the United Kingdom from South Africa daily, but this number is expected to increase as the holiday season begins.


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