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The world is going through chaos: China

Boiler. The current situation in the world is in chaos. This is how the Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, described it at the beginning of the summit of the BRICS+ group, a group of nations that seeks to generate a new balance in economic and political relations between the North and the South, as was evident yesterday in the statements of several of its members.

Today, the world is experiencing changes not seen in 100 years. The international situation is mixed with chaossaid Xi Jinping in a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, host of the event that brings together leaders of countries where more than half of the planet’s population lives.

This Tuesday the sixteenth meeting of the BRICS+ began, to which Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa belong, plus the members that joined this year: Egypt, Iran, the United Arab Emirates and Ethiopia. The heads of state or government of those nations are here, except for the Brazilian Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who did not undertake the trip due to medical advice. Yesterday he spoke with Putin by phone for 20 minutes and it is expected that he will participate remotely in the plenary sessions in the following days.

The Chinese leader considered the BRICS+ group the world’s most important platform for cooperation between countries with emerging economies. And, in sync with the vision expressed by Putin throughout the day, he maintained that the mechanism made up of these nine states is a pillar to achieve an orderly multipolar world a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization.

On this first day, the host president had bilateral meetings with the leaders of India, Narendra Modi; South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, in addition to President Xi and the phone call with Lula, that is, with the most senior members of the group. Previously, he spoke with former Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff, president of the New Development Bank (BRICS+ bank). With it, Putin put on the table one of the topics on the summit agenda: increasing the volumes and amounts of operations that the countries of the group carry out with each other in their own currencies, to reduce dependence on the dollar, that is, the dedollarization of global transactions.

Just as Xi warned that the world is in the midst of chaos, Putin asserted that the relationship between Russia and China is a force that provides stability.

The leaders of China, Xi Jinping, and Russia, Vladimir Putin, as well as the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, attended a concert before an informal dinner, within the framework of the BRICS+ summit in Kazan. Photo Afp

Cooperation between Russia and China in world affairs is one of the main factors of stability in the international situationsaid Putin, sitting opposite Xi at the bilateral meeting held in one of the buildings on the esplanade known as the Kazan Kremlin, a complex declared cultural heritage by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

At that table were seated the presidents of the countries with which the United States is waging a trade war, among which China stands out, which is the almost daily object of threats and criticism from the Republican candidate for the White House, Donald Trump. And opposite, Putin, who after the invasion of Ukraine, in February 2022, also fights a political, economic and diplomatic battle with the United States, the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which brings together Washington’s armies. and its allies in Europe.

Putin stated that his country and China intend to continue improving the coordination of their multilateral efforts to ensure global security and a fairer world order.

On the first day of the summit, which concluded with a concert attended by Putin, Xi and Modi, among other presidents gathered here, the host himself opened the discussion on an alternative currency to the dollar to carry out international operations. Advancing on this path was one of the commitments made by the BRICS+ at last year’s summit in South Africa.

The first meeting that the Russian president had this Tuesday was with the Brazilian Rousseff, president of the BRICS+ bank. Putin approached the issue not only from an economic and financial angle, in terms of the volume of transactions. He also did so from the perspective of the relationship between the countries of the South and those of the North.

An increase in payments in national currencies, the Russian president confided, will make it possible to strengthen the financial independence of the BRICS+ countries, and also to minimize geopolitical risks in today’s world and separate economic development from politics.

Since its creation in 2018, the New Development Bank has financed projects worth the equivalent of 33 billion dollars, Putin mentioned. One of the objectives of this bank, he added, is to reduce the interest payments on the external debt of member countries to international creditors.

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