Home » Health » The World Health Organization Warns of Rising Dengue Fever Cases as Next Global Pandemic

The World Health Organization Warns of Rising Dengue Fever Cases as Next Global Pandemic

Ruslana Alekseeva

2 hours ago

The coronavirus pandemic in the Czech Republic has reached alarming proportions. Photo: Global Look Press/Maksim Konstantinov WHO is sounding the alarm. The number of dengue fever infections is on the rise.

The World Health Organization has announced the imminent emergence of a new pandemic. The dangerous COVID-19 will be replaced by another aggressive infection – dengue fever. An infectious disease is transmitted by blood-sucking insects, such as mosquitoes.

“Half the world’s population is at risk of contracting dengue fever, which is transmitted by mosquitoes,” WHO says.

Over the past 12 years, the number of dengue virus infections has increased eightfold. Last year, in 2022, more than four million people caught the dangerous infection. In this, 2023, the number of cases is approaching a historical maximum. Over the past six months, about three million patients have already been recorded in North and South America. During this period, dengue fever claimed the lives of more than 100 thousand patients.

Dengue fever is one of the fastest spreading diseases. Half of the world’s population is at risk. Because of global warming, the WHO says, the tropical disease is taking over more and more new territories – the environment for mosquito vectors is becoming more and more favorable.

The disease comes on suddenly. The temperature rises, headache and joint pain appear, nausea, swelling, and a rash appear on the body. Primary infection can pass easily, but secondary infection can provoke the development of hemorrhagic fever – the collapse of blood vessels and internal bleeding. However, even a mild illness can cause a lot of problems. Among the frequent consequences are complications from the brain, liver and nervous system. There is no vaccine for dengue fever. With the spread of the disease, they are fighting the destruction of the mosquito population.

Source: news.un.org

Photo source: Global Look Press/Maksim Konstantinov

2023-07-22 12:22:07

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