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“The World Health Organization Recognizes President El-Sisi’s 100 Million Health Initiative as Unprecedented”

Written by Ahmed Abdel Rahman

Friday, 07 April 2023 09:20 PM

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi said that, since the middle of the last century, Egypt has participated in hosting the headquarters of the WHO regional office, which supports health activities for more than 500 million citizens, in 22 countries in the eastern Mediterranean.

President El-Sisi added during his speech on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization: “I would like to refer to the cooperation between Egypt and the organization in eradicating the hepatitis C virus in Egypt, within the framework of the 100 million health initiative, which the World Health Organization considered an unprecedented initiative, in Its huge scope, quality and speed of implementation, and the services of the pioneering initiative extended to include many African and Asian countries, in order for Egypt to activate its role and responsibility towards the international community.

President El-Sisi continued, “These and other efforts represent a clear example of our deep belief in the importance of health solidarity and our full commitment to promoting and protecting public health and supporting the principles of equality and justice that achieve sustainable health security for all humanity.”

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