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The World Health Organization inaugurates an epidemic research and detection center in Berlin

The pandemic has shown, according to the director of the WHO, that “a great leap forward in data analysis” had to be made.

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His goal : “Better respond to health emergencies.” The World Health Organization (WHO) inaugurated, Wednesday, September 1 in Berlin (Germany), a center for research and early detection of epidemics. “The world must be able to detect new events with pandemic potential and monitor disease control measures in real time in order to put in place effective management of pandemic and epidemic risk”, explained WHO director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

The Covid-19 pandemic has shown, according to him, that must be carried out “a big leap forward in data analysis”. Funded in part by Germany, this center will bring together experts in several disciplines in the capital and will provide them with the most cutting-edge technologies, promises the WHO in a press kit.

Data will also be collected around the world and collated at this center. “The findings (of the research) should be shared with all states”, Angela Merkel promised. According to the German Chancellor, present at the inauguration, the current pandemic has “showed how much we can accomplish when we join forces”.

“Despite decades of investment, Covid-19 has revealed large gaps in the world’s ability to predict, detect, assess and respond to epidemics that threaten populations around the world, noted for his part Michael Ryan, executive director of the WHO Health Emergency Program, quoted in a press release.

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