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The world condemns the Quito raid on the Mexican embassy

(ANSA) – QUITO, APRIL 07 – The High Representative of the European Union, Josep Borrell, condemned the “violation” of the Mexican embassy in Quito and made “an appeal for respect for international diplomatic law”. From the United Nations to the United States, from Europe to Latin America, there is unanimous condemnation of Ecuador’s raid on the Mexican embassy in Quito for the arrest of the former Ecuadorian vice president, Jorge Glas. The secretary general of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, through his spokesman, made it known that he was “alarmed” by the raid, underlining the importance of the inviolability of embassies. Governments across Latin America’s political spectrum – including Brazil and Colombia on the left, Argentina and Uruguay on the right – criticized the raid. The Brazilian government defined Ecuador’s move as a “clear violation of the American Convention on Asylum and the Vienna Convention, which establishes that the premises of a diplomatic mission are inviolable”, adding that what happened “constitutes a serious precedent” . Javier Milei’s executive recalled, among other things, that Argentina recently granted asylum status in its embassy in Caracas “to six Venezuelan political leaders and is awaiting the release of the relevant pass”. The Colombian president, Gustavo Petro, from his profile while US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller encouraged “the two countries to resolve their disputes according to international norms”. And while Nicaragua announced the severing of diplomatic relations with Ecuador as a consequence of the blitz, the Organization of American States launched a call for dialogue, adding that a session of the body’s Permanent Council will be convened to discuss the need for “strict compliance with international treaties, including those guaranteeing the right to asylum”. (HANDLE).

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– 2024-04-07 18:39:02

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