Home » today » Business » The World Bank offered a cheaper loan than Hungary, according to Filipce-Sloboden Pechat

The World Bank offered a cheaper loan than Hungary, according to Filipce-Sloboden Pechat

The President of SDSM, Venko Filipce, in an interview today on “Channel 5” showed a document according to which the previous government had received a loan from the World Bank on much more favorable terms than the loan approved by the current government with Hungary.

“In the strategic framework for the partnership of the World Bank with the Republic of North Macedonia 2024-2028, there is, among other things, a line item for local roads and local municipal works, for which $ 75 million has been identified. Why should someone like the opposition negotiate in completely non-transparent circumstances when the state has almost the same money as the continuation of the loan system and cooperation with cities through a Bank of the World,” Filipche asked, adding that “Time will tell which one “The advantage of this loan for Mickoski and Orban.”

According to Filipce, the planned loan from the World Bank had a significantly lower interest rate than the loan from Hungary. He criticized that the authorities did not provide control mechanisms for the loan from Hungary either in the law or in the contract.

“Article 1 of the Loan Law states that the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia will borrow 500 million euros from the Hungarian Export-Import Bank for budget financing and general purpose financing. No communities or companies are listed anywhere. “We don’t know what this money is for,” said Filipce.

According to Filipce, it is ironic that the President of the European Union of Hungary and Prime Minister Orban are visiting the country at a time when Prime Minister Mickoski is publicly saying that North Macedonia will not continue negotiations with the EU .

“All the promises made by Mickoski to improve the negotiating situation were wrong, and now it has been proven.” the loan from Hungary,” said the chairman of the SDSM, who asked, among other things, “what is Mickoski’s private relationship with factors from Hungary, a country with…” because we have no relations as a state so far and because of that North Macedonia is entering into a bad “deal” in which future generations will be responsible.”

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2024-09-26 20:29:33
#World #Bank #offered #cheaper #loan #Hungary #FilipceSloboden #Pechat

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