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The World at a Tipping Point: President Biden’s Promise to Support Ukraine and Preserve Global Stability

“Today, the world is at a tipping point where the choices we make — including the crises in Europe and the Middle East — will determine our future direction for generations to come,” Biden said.

He writes that both Putin and Hamas are trying to “wipe neighboring democracy off the map,” and both Putin and Hamas hope to undermine broader regional stability and integration and exploit the resulting instability.

America “must not allow and will not allow this to happen”, emphasizes the US president.

“The world is waiting for us to solve the problems of our time. This is the responsibility of leadership, and America will take the lead. Because if we turn away from today’s challenges, the risk of conflict can spread and the price of solving them will only increase,” writes Biden.

He promises that the United States will not allow such a scenario to develop.

“This belief underlies my approach to supporting the people of Ukraine as they continue to defend their freedom against Putin’s brutal war,” the US president wrote.

He reminds that “we know from the two world wars of the last century – if aggression in Europe remains unanswered, the crisis does not disappear by itself. It directly involves America”.

“Therefore, our commitment to Ukraine today is an investment in our own security. It prevents a wider conflict tomorrow,” Biden wrote.

“By supporting the brave Ukrainians defending their freedom and homeland, we can keep American soldiers out of this war,” the US president said.

2023-11-19 14:14:10
#Biden #maintain #leadership #role #confronting #challenges #posed #Putin #Hamas

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