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The work of RIBOCA created by the artist duo IevaKrish will be on display in the Castle of Light / Article

The Latvian National Library (LNL) will henceforth house the sound and sculpture installation “Polemic of Two Metrics” created by the artist duo IevaKrish, which was created for the exhibition of the Second Riga International Biennale of Contemporary Art (RIBOCA2), RIBOCA representatives informed.

“Two Metrics Controversy” is a spatial, time-consuming and sound choreography, in the center of which is a large sculpture derived from Latvian and Lithuanian traditional puzzles – moving objects made of straw, which traditionally consists of a double pyramid that rotates around its axis. The version of “IevaKrish” puzzle differs from the traditional one. The sawmill in the center of the installation is made in a technique that we have seen more often in Lithuania, where the sawmills are often called celestial gardens (“heavenly punishment”). “Heavenly Garden” as a projection of an ideal space or giving a geometric order to emptiness. The projection of our ideal space is a bit harsh: it is made of metal, not straw, and split in half in the middle, forming two autonomously rotating parts that at times tend to be polemical. We invite you to linger in the installation and, watching the interplay of organized emptiness (its shadows), dream in the background of the rolling Daugava! ” tells the artists. The work of art will continue to belong to “IevaKrish”, but will be available for viewing by every visitor of the LNL – in the recreation area of ​​the 2nd floor of the Latvian National Library called the Castle of Light, overlooking the Daugava.

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“IevaKrish” installation installation “Polemic of Two Metrics”

Foto: Ansis Starks

The installation of “IevaKrish” includes a reference to the idea contained in the book “The Second Body” by the Serbian historian and writer Milorad Pavič: “This is how the universe was created: time cut off eternity. It created two eternities from one, the past and the future. ” The audio element of the installation, created by the composer Jēkabs Nīmanis, supplementing the concept of the authors, is as an accompaniment to the two parts of the puzzle, one of them as a constant ambient sound landscape – the sound of emptiness, but the other – much more volatile and changeable.

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“IevaKrish” installation installation “Polemic of Two Metrics”

Foto: Ansis Starks

Par “IevaKrish”

The creative practice of the association “IevaKrish” (Krišjānis Sants and Ieva Gaurilčikaite-Sants) can be described as a hybrid form of contemporary choreography and scenography. Both are interested in communication with the visitor. Each time its research manifests itself in the use of unusual media and forms. The space in both works is simultaneously created and vanished, thus creating a scenographic paradox. The multi-layered duo’s work includes both direct, guided experiences for individual visitors and extensive interactive events for larger groups of spectators, including dance, choreographed sound, collective massages, eating, wood splitting and breathing exercises. “We are interested in creating works that provide both, performers and visitors, if not the same, then similar points of experience. It is as if the spectators are in the water next to the performers, but not soaked, ”explains the duo. Performances and installations: “Emptiness nearby”, “Field research” (Cēsis, 2021), “Sansusi” (Aknīste, Latvia, 2019); “Meet”, “Time to Dance” (Riga, 2021), Valmiera Summer Theater Festival (Valmiera, 2020); “Labrys”, “SPOT” (Vilnius, 2020), “Spectaculare” (Prague, Czech Republic, 2020), “Tanzmainz” (Mainz, Germany, 2020), “Survival Kit” 10.1 (Riga, Latvia, 2019), “Time to dance ”(Riga, 2019); “Infade”, Latvian dance platform (Riga, Latvia, 2018); “Gotca”, “Are You Kid-ing” (Falun, Sweden, 2018).


The Riga International Biennial of Contemporary Art (RIBOCA) is a large-scale art event that has been bringing together artists from the Baltic region and the world every two years since 2018 in Riga. Each issue of the Biennale has a different main curator, who works in close collaboration with 50-100 artists. RIBOCA transforms the city into an epicenter of various events, where you can solve important issues, share ideas and experiment with artistic forms, drawing Riga’s national and international attention. The Biennale has become a critical platform for artistic experimentation and knowledge, as well as for fostering collaboration between individuals, local and regional art institutions. It acts as a mediator for looking at social, political and economic issues through the prism of art.

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