Home » News » The work of local farmers is also supported by the rural road in Szob – Dunakanyar Region

The work of local farmers is also supported by the rural road in Szob – Dunakanyar Region

Bence Rétvári, regional parliament representative of Fidesz-KDNP, published a short video on his Facebook page on Sunday, in which he reports that after the renovation of several internal roads in Szob, a new external road was handed over with the help of local farmers.

He said that the majority of the investment was provided by the Hungarian state, while a smaller part was EU funds. He also mentioned that the municipality’s share was provided by a local entrepreneur.

“We were able to deliver a new suburban road here in Szob. It is very important from the point of view of revitalizing the local economy that local farmers can get to their fields as easily as possible, and it is also important from the point of view of local tourism that as many road sections as possible are passable. That is why it is important that, in addition to internal roads, we can now spend a significant amount on the renovation and renewal of external roads. Here, the overwhelming majority of the support was given by the Hungarian state, a smaller part was given by the European Union and a local entrepreneur provided the municipality with its own share, so this new road in Szob was completed within the budget and several months ahead of schedule. – said Bence Rétvári member of parliament in the video.

Source: 0627.hu

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