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The woman accidentally found the 1952 banknotes in the wallet 30 years ago. Netizens popular science: There is a lot of room for appreciation.

The woman accidentally found the 1952 banknotes in the wallet 30 years ago. Netizen popular science: there is a lot of room for appreciation

Life is full of surprises.

According to @万象新闻, recently in Fangchenggang, Guangxi, a woman accidentally discovered a handmade wallet that she had when she was a girl more than 30 years ago.

The woman opened the wallet and found that there were still a lot of “inventory” in it.There’s even a 1952 coinThe woman said that the pocket money for living in school for a week was only 20 cents, and she probably forgot about it after she was reluctant to spend it.

The renminbi presented in the video has 1 cent, 5 cents, and the largest is 2 yuan, but they are all well preserved. Some netizens recognized the identity of the 2 yuan yuan, which belongs to the third set of renminbi.The front pattern is a picture of lathe workers working, and the words of the People’s Bank of China and the face value are printed. The back pattern is mainly my country’s national emblem and oil mine, and it is also decorated.

The woman accidentally found the 1952 banknotes in the wallet 30 years ago. Netizen popular science: there is a lot of room for appreciation

At present, its market price has already exceeded its face value by more than a hundred times, but netizens suggest that women continue to hold it and not sell it, because it carries the memory of their past, and there is still a large room for appreciation.


Up to now, my country has issued five sets of RMBthe first set began in 1948 and ceased circulation on May 15, 1955, with a maximum denomination of 50,000 yuan; the second set, also known as “Soviet three coins”, was issued since March 1, 1955, and was issued on May 15, 1964 Stop circulation and recycle and destroy; the third set of RMB was issued on April 20, 1962, and ceased circulation on July 1, 2000. It lasted 38 years and is the longest in circulation among the five existing sets of RMB.

Since the fourth set of RMB was issued in April 1987, Braille appeared on the RMB at one time; the fifth set of RMB is the currency we are currently using. It was issued in 1999 and an additional version was added in 2005. It has the highest technological content.At present, the first, second and third sets of RMB are no longer in circulation

[End of this article]If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Kuai Technology

Editor in charge: Xianrui

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