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The wolf from Wall Street will advise the internet on how to invest

Real life sometimes writes more kitschy stories than Hollywood screenwriters. Corrected imposter Jordan Belfort, who has established himself as a successful motivational speaker and writer after his release from prison and forced departure from Wall Street, will now be on the counseling page ragingbull.com mentoring individuals who, like him, would like to earn millions on stock exchanges.

“We thought it would be good for newcomers to learn from his experience and become more successful traders in the long run,” said Jeff Bishop, CEO of Raging Bull.

Belfort has worked with the economic education portal in the past, often guesting on web podcasts. His upcoming lessons are said to explain to amateurs what the daily work of a stockbroker actually entails and how to learn from their mistakes.

“However, it will not provide advice on specific stocks, companies and investment strategies,” said Raging Bull. Therefore, potential candidates can get a taste for tips on how to rob their own clients on a large scale.

However, the Internet platform, founded in 2011, itself has faced criticism for its unethical marketing practices. Many Internet users have complained about her ineffective advice, unfulfilled promises, and difficulty signing up. However, positive responses can also be found and the company has, according to its own statements, “millions of email subscribers and more than 120,000 people pay for its business services.”

Although some of the counseling content and most of the services offered on the Raging Bull website are subject to a fee, the former Wall Street Wolf Counseling Center should be available to readers and investors free of charge.

“It is a victory for our members. They will be able to see into the mind of a man who built a company employing a thousand brokers, was convicted and rose again from the ashes, “said Bishop.

Jordan Belfort (58)
  • A native of New York, he studied biology at American University in Washington. He started as a door-to-door seller of meat and seafood.
  • In the 1980s and 1990s, he developed into one of the most successful American stockbrokers. He founded Stratton Oakmont, which acted as a telephone exchange that called people and persuaded them to buy fraudulent stocks. At its peak, it employed over a thousand brokers.
  • Belfort was famous at the time for holding wild parties and using hard drugs.
  • In 1999, he was found guilty of fraud and money laundering. Together, they robbed investors of $ 200 million. But because he testified against his colleagues involved in the machinations, he spent only 22 months in prison.
  • After his release, he published a two-volume autobiography, which was published in forty countries in eighteen multilingual versions. According to her, director Martin Scorsese made the film The Wolf of Wall Street in 2013, which was nominated for five Oscars. Jordan Belfort portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio.

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