Home » today » News » The winner of the MEA Business Awards for the Best English Language Coach category is a woman and an Italian

The winner of the MEA Business Awards for the Best English Language Coach category is a woman and an Italian

Monica Perna’s AUGE digital academy recognized as the best in the world for teaching Globish.

It was 8 March 1945 when in Italy, in war-free zones, the first International Women’s Day was celebrated while London saw the approval and submission to the UN of a Women’s Charter containing requests for equal rights and of work. A date that still wants to celebrate and remember the social, economic and political achievements achieved by female talent, tenacity and strength.
And Italy, in these days, dresses with pride thanks to the success achieved by a young woman of Brianza origins who was awarded at the MEA Business Awards with the title of Best English Language Coaching Provider – UAE. This is Monica Perna, an Italian English Coach who represents the excellence of her country abroad, specifically in the United Arab Emirates.
It is here that Perna founded AUGE International Consulting, the digital company which in just three years has become a leader in the e-learning sector, registering around 14,000 subscribers and over 1 million active users in record time. And it is precisely in its headquarters in Dubai that the English Coach from Brianza was presented with the prestigious award coming directly from the United Kingdom. The latter aspect is not indifferent, if we consider that Perna was recognized by the MEA Business Awards as the best English Coach, thanks to her role in the dissemination of Globish, the most spoken variant of English in the world identified by Jean Paul Nerrière and of which la Perna, by the latter, was appointed official representative.
Considered one of the most coveted international awards, the MEA Business Awards reward the talent and results of companies and entrepreneurs residing in the area called MEA, or Middle East and Africa. A high number of successful cases, the excellent timing with which students achieved concrete results, as well as the hours of content produced in the last 12 months for the AUGE Community (with over 950 hours of unpublished content created in 2022 alone), are were the criteria that allowed Monica Perna to be awarded together with her company.
“I always tell my students that to become able to express themselves in English the work to be done is daily. Only in this way will English become a habit and the results achieved concrete and lasting over time>>, declares the founder of AUGE International Consulting, >, all qualities that make Monica Perna today an Italian excellence in the world, in the panorama of female entrepreneurship, and of the AUGE Method a model of international success Made in Italy.

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