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The Will of Muhammad Hassanein Heikal: A Sneak Peek Into the Documentary Channel’s Exclusive Coverage

Lamees Muhammad Tuesday, October 3, 2023 01:43 PM The official page of the “Documentary” channel continues to display parts of the will of the great journalist, Mr. Muhammad Hassanein Heikalconsisting of ten pages, which is scheduled to be covered in the third part of the documentary film “Heikal… The Biography of the Professor,” which was produced by the channel, and the first part of which was shown on the eve of the celebration of Heikal’s centenary last September 22, and the second and third parts will be shown soon.

In the second part of the will published by the official page of the “Documentary” channel, Professor Heikal talks about the moment of death, which he describes as “the moment of deep sleep,” and specifies the names of three reciters, requesting that the Qur’an be read in the voice of one of them when that moment comes…and the text of the will:

I write these lines in a hurry, hastening them before the days get ahead of me, hoping that they will be considered part or introduction to a will that I hope will give me a broader opportunity to write in detail for you, and for our children and grandchildren, who are the actual embodiment of the continuation and separation of life.


Now I return to what I want to say about that moment that I am waiting for, and I repeat to you once again that I want it to be a solemn moment protected by pride, not arrogance, and that is the trust that I keep in your hands and in the hands of our three children:

– When the time for deep sleep comes, I want it to be a moment that preserves her dignity and value, and I know that sorrows in those moments are human, but you know my opinion that sorrows are deeper and more sincere if dignity preserves their value.

– I do not know where that moment that I so long for, Jalila, will come, and whether it comes in my house, or outside it (which I do not wish for), I ask during the hours of waiting before heading to the final eulogy to be in a room, on a bed, and for there to be a single candle lit. And the ringing of a recorded Qur’an echoed in the room, in a low voice, in the voice of one of the reciters I loved listening to in the previous days (Sheikh Muhammad Rifaat, Sheikh Mustafa Ismail, or Sheikh Abdul Basit Abdul Samad).

Wait for us in a new part of the will, in Mr. Heikal’s handwriting… tomorrow on the official page of the “Documentary” channel.

2023-10-03 10:43:00

#Professor #Heikals #time #documentary #handwriting.. #moment #death #Seventh #Day

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