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The wide field at the Avs party. Schlein, Conte and Magi: “The alternative already exists and is here”

They defied all the elements: the flood that gave no respite; superstition, with the group photo which in the past did not do well; the diversity of views on the war in Ukraine is still evident. Nonetheless, the five leaders of the center-left for now without a center, Renzi and Calenda they weren’t even invited, they didn’t shy away from any of the questions Serena Bortone: guests of Terra, the Avs party, Nicola Fratoianni and Angelo Benelli they found themselves together at Elly Schlein, Giuseppe Conte and Riccardo Magi to consolidate the coalition to come. Yet another “wide field” technical test, with an embedded message: we are the political nucleus of the alternative coalition to the right. The perimeter of the alliance is that traced by the borders of the Nomentano park in Rome.

“Wet coalition, lucky coalition, it’s raining a thieving government”, jokes the red-green co-spokesman Nicola Fratoianni, opening the round table. “We are in the field to build the alternative to the right which says no to citizen’s income, to the minimum wage, which would like to send to prison those who demonstrate for university and housing, which defunds healthcare”, he warms up. “Also tonight we want to put a small brick in this direction.” Also trying to enlarge, if necessary, but not at all costs: “The perimeter makes no sense if it only has a geometric meaning”, insists the SI secretary. “We need content. A coherent political space”. That’s the point. The usual: what to do with the former Terzo Polo? The answer remains hanging, even if “never again will an electoral campaign in which, due to our divisions, the right has already won”, concludes Fratoianni to applause.

School, Schlein attacks: “Teachers should be paid more, the government increases the money in the budget law”

by Corrado Zunino

It seems like a viaticum. But it’s not, in reality. The other AVS co-spokesman, Angelo Bonelli, attacks Calenda head-on on his proposal in favor of nuclear power and states: “Here, today, the centre-left’s ‘Common Earth’ begins for the construction of a common programmatic basis”. And whoever isn’t there, it seems, stays out. Bortone asks her if “these five chairs” can become six or seven, she replies seraphicly: “We’ll see in due course.” , it is clear that there are differences, but we have the possibility of uniting to overcome them”. and municipalities we expanded and won; in others like Sardinia we won the same even if they weren’t there, while in Basilicata we lost. Let’s try not to take it from the side of the names, but of the themes if someone comes and tells me: let’s do the jobs act I say no, if they come and tell me let’s do a security decree, ditto. But on healthcare, wages, schools, rights, yes, let’s move forward together. Here tonight there is a nucleus, let’s start from here”.

Salaries, doctors, leaves. A countermaneuver to weld the opposition is the first unitary act

by our correspondent Giovanna Vitale

This is the theme. How – and with whom – can we create the new center-left capable of beating the right? But “the alternative is already there, both in Parliament and in the country”, Schlein cuts short, listing the many common battles to try to “throw out the worst government of the Republican right”. And when that happens, we will also have to decide who will be the prime minister. Giuseppe Conte, when questioned on the topic, takes it easy: “As I see it, the least important thing is to build a solid and cohesive project the front-woman or front-man”, he smiles mischievously. A sign that he has not lost hope. The one who is tired of applesauce is Riccardo Magi of +Europa who proposes to the other leaders to open “a permanent discussion table: we must not be afraid of differences”, he urges.

Everyone (almost) agrees, therefore. Except at the end, which boils over into a very harsh back-and-forth between Conte and the Magi over the US elections and the war in Ukraine. “There are differences in foreign policy. I didn’t understand whether the defense of international law, Conte hopes to find in Trump”, scratches the leader of +Europa, after the 5S leader had returned to criticizing the American administration for how it is operating on Gaza. “According to this logic, if I am not satisfied with how the Russian-Ukrainian conflict was managed, then am I pro-Putin? Let others write these things”, the former prime minister’s piqued response. Magi replies: “A bombed country has the right to defend itself.” The audience boos loudly at this last statement. When things calm down, Schlein, invited to have her say, prefers not to intervene.

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– 2024-10-02 20:08:47

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