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The WHO warns that the coronavirus will be “harder in October and November” and mortality will increase | Society

The WHO has warned this Monday in an interview with the AFP agency that in October and November will increase the death toll daily due to the COVID-19 pandemic. ANDl director for Europe of the World Health Organization (WHO) has explained that lhe coronavirus pandemic will be “hardest in October and November”, months during which mortality will increase. ´

The Belgian Hans Kluge has also assured AFP that he understands that “countries do not want to hear this type of bad news” and that “nI even know if the vaccine it will be effective in all sectors of the population. “Kluge explained that” andhe end of this pandemic will be when, as a community, we have learned to live with this pandemic. And that depends on us. ”

The World Health Organization has confirmed this Monday a new record of infections worldwide in 24 hours with more than 307,000 cases, the majority in India, the United States and Brazil.

These statements by the WHO come hours after its world director, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, recalled this Sunday, through a retweet, the recommendation he made last March avoid saluting each other because it does not allow keeping the safety distance. “When greeting people, it is best to avoid bumping your elbow because you are less than a meter away from the other person. I like to put my hand on my heart to greet people these days, “advised Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in a message posted on his Twitter account on March 7.

It is one of the recommendations offered among others such as washing hands with soap frequently and carefully or stay at home if one is ill.

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