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The WhatsApp message costs users – beware of 0177/9351836

Especially when a message sounds familiar, many users may not even think if they know the sender behind it. However, if it comes from an unknown number, it might be possible WhatsApp scam Behind. A text that circulates again and again is so convincingly constructed that even the police are regularly involved.

Fake WhatsApp message – beware of this scam

If someone asked you to do something you thought you knew, would you help them? In many cases, the answer should be “yes” which is why the following WhatsApp message is so insidious. This is how strangers pretend to be children of themselves.

Criminals try to steal money with such fake WhatsApp messages. © reader mailing

The wording of the corresponding WhatsApp messages is composed like this or something similar. Always the same and a typical identifying element of the fraud: the request to save an unknown number. In this case it is the “0177/9351836“. But they can also be other examples.

Once this is done, the criminals will promptly ask to transfer money to them because online banking is said to fail due to the broken cell phone. They also pretend they want to quickly repay the borrowed amount.

Block WhatsApp calls

Not the only scam on WhatsApp

Like Mimikama.at reported, the WhatsApp scam also occurs in a modified form. As in the first case, the message comes from an unknown number. This time, however, the alleged child turns to the recipient for an emergency. The WhatsApp message can therefore be more dramatic:

  • Hello Mom! I need your help. YOU ARE WELCOME!
  • Mom, I need the money. I am in an emergency situation. I need your support urgently.

Again, “needy” criminals worry about the fastest possible and elevated transfers from loving parents.

Regular police alerts

The fact that the police have repeatedly drawn attention to it proves that the trick with the WhatsApp message works well power. The following measures are recommended for dealing with such texts:

  • Contact the alleged sender at the number you know and ask specifically if they sent the WhatsApp message.
  • If not, block the sender on WhatsApp.
  • File a criminal complaint, because only then will the police learn of the crime and will be able to prosecute the criminals.

Of course, such WhatsApp messages aren’t the only scam happening on Messenger. The offer to change the color of WhatsApp can also have consequences. WhatsApp fraud can also be a function of the messenger.

Sources: Düren police, own research, futurezone.de readers

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