Home » today » World » The Western press is on the verge of panic. An ‘impossible’ Russian drone has been spotted in the sky over Ukraine for the first time – 2024-08-27 13:24:10

The Western press is on the verge of panic. An ‘impossible’ Russian drone has been spotted in the sky over Ukraine for the first time – 2024-08-27 13:24:10

/ world today news/ The military observer of “Komsomolskaya Pravda” for the Russian “premier” in the sky of Ukraine

The foreign press raised a frenzy, here and there reaching panic: the Russian drone “Okhotnik” was spotted in the sky over Ukraine. Then there were pictures of our new war machine, which outwardly resembles a large wing. And it is specified: it was used to strike targets of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Sumy region. The Ministry of Defense of Russia is modestly silent on this matter.

So what kind of beast is this? Or more correctly “Hunter”.

Rumors that our engineers are preparing a revolution in the sky have been around for a long time. A few years ago, a low whisper was heard from the hangars of the secret design bureau. Someone even managed to insidiously publish on the social network a photo of the first launch of the S-70 (this is the index of this heavy attack drone) before the test flight.

All this was in June 2018. And in November, he was already successfully moving on the runway of the Novosibirsk Aviation Plant, gaining 200 kilometers per hour (as it should have been according to the test program). At the same time, taxiing, take-off, acceleration and stopping at the end of the runway are performed by the UAV completely and extremely autonomously.

The “portrait” of the machine immediately fascinates with its forms. It is made on the principle of the wing – that is, visually it is impossible to distinguish where the right wing is, where the left wing is, and where the body is, even up close.

And here our military experts were shocked by another piece of news: the S-70 will work together, in conjunction with our fifth-generation Su-57 fighter. The aircraft will guide the drone to the target and at the same time cover it. Also (this is the biggest secret, so you don’t tell anyone either!) there is an idea that a bunch of 20-30 such attack drones at once, covered by two or three fighters, will descend on the enemy in a huge swarm and they will “plow” his positions along with personnel and combat equipment.

Jealous Americans (who were apparently suffocated by the frog of envy) then snickered, “The Russians are bluffing! Their defense industry is not capable of this!” But there you are! Already flying in Sumy region.

UAV S-70 Okhotnik: technical characteristics

All this malice began to die down earlier, when authoritative Western military experts realized that the “Hunter” was not a bluff, but a real future. And although the flight characteristics of the S-70 were kept secret for a long time, foreign intelligence still managed to find some data about it. Here they are:

Length: 14m

Wingspan: 19 m

Combat load: 2.8 tons (according to other sources – up to 8 tons).

Take-off weight: 25 t

Maximum speed: 1400 km/h (at low altitude), according to other sources – about 1000 km/h

Practical flight ceiling: 18,000 m

Flight range: 6000 km

Armament: guided missiles, guided bombs, unguided bombs in the internal payload bay and on the suspension.

By the way, he can shoot. In December 2021, during tests, the Hunter destroyed a ground target with a 500-kilogram aerial bomb.


– To destroy radar stations, it can receive a supersonic anti-radar missile of the X-58 air-to-ground class (with a flight range of less than 260 kilometers).

– Against naval targets – X-35 flying at low altitude.

– 4 modified X-74M2 supersonic missiles

– 8 adjustable KAB-250 aerial bombs.

In August of last year, the columnist of the American publication 19FortyFive, Peter Suchiu, said that Russia could start using the “Ohotnik” in the SVO zone as early as 2023 (either he is a prophet or his intelligence has told him).


“Hunter” can also be an amplifier – expanding the radar field of other aircraft. It can be a remote target designator (so an aircraft with long-range missiles will not need to enter the enemy’s air defense coverage area).

Popular Mechanics published an article in which national security expert Kyle Mizokami called the declared dimensions of the plane impressive. He also opined that the new drone will help overcome Russia’s technological lag behind the US. Now they will see the S-70 as a potentially dangerous and effective model.

In the meantime, preparations are underway in Russia for the launch of mass production and acceptance of armaments. Moreover, he passed the first exam in a real combat environment with an excellent grade.

Translation: ES

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