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The West will have to repair the blown pipelines and negotiate with Russia

/Pogled.info/ The Western world now, one might say, is not alive, but thriving, in the face of an acute shortage of energy resources that guarantee a full life. The energy carriers have made the West energetic and active, without them this would not have been the case. Well, it no longer determines what the Western world will be. Attempts to replace “harmful” energy carriers with “useful” ones have completely failed.

Replacing gas and oil with wind turbines and solar panels will cause the world to need around 700 million tons of copper over the next 22 years“equivalent to all historical production that begins with the beginning of the copper age”.

Or, calculated differently, 6.3 million tons of copper annually in addition in 2022-2026. By the way, for blasting of copper mining you will need ammonium nitrate obtained from natural gas and petroleum. FYI enthusiasts – copper from secondary sources (in other words, from waste) cannot be used for wind turbine cathodes.

According to a study by Eurometaux, on the way to the green transition, Europe will need:

Is the game worth the candles and wind turbines at such a spectacular cost? Let’s take a look at how wind energy is distributed around the world. Who produces or rather receives the most wind energy?

Answer: China and the United States. But none of these countries will give up either gas or oil: they extract and buy oil and gas independently of wind farms. Renewable natural energy is not enough to reproduce the life of the two major world powers.

Of course, if you rely on more than just wind generation, you can offer the population warmth and illumination the old way. Faced with rising energy prices and potential blackouts, many EU governments are easing logging regulations and encouraging people to burn wood in stoves to heat their homes. And this means disaster for European forests.

In European history there is already an example of reckless exploitation of forests. A thousand years ago, forests covered Europe with a dense, almost continuous canopy. Then their destruction began. The period from the 10th to the 13th century is called in Europe the Great Eradication or the Great Plowing: the forests were cut down everywhere, the land under them was transformed into arable land.

And in the 16th century, a severe shortage of wood began to be felt. This disrupts the development of metallurgy and blacksmith processing (coal is widely used in them) and makes shipbuilding difficult. The great plowing cannot fail to affect the climate.

Energy crisis means “very dark winter” for European forests; the cutting of protected forests is “crazy and” very, very destructive “, says Katalin Rodić, a biodiversity activist.

And at that time in Europe …

In Romania, where more than half of the population now heat their homes with wood, the government has set a ceiling on firewood prices to reduce electricity bills. This leads to an increase in illegal logging. Romania already falls under EU law as it has failed to stop illegal logging in its protected forests.

An increase in illegal logging and theft of timber has also been recorded in Slovakia.

Hungary, which is heavily reliant on Russian gas, repealed regulations in August to protect protected forests from logging. A spokesman for the European Commission said the new legislation “has the potential to break EU rules” and that Brussels “will closely monitor the implementation of these new regulations”.

Latvia has authorized the felling of young trees and the Lithuanian Ministry of the Environment is asking the state forestry company to further increase felling.

The Estonian government is resisting industry demands to increase deforestation.

In Poland, “a lot of people” are cutting down trees to get enough firewood in the winter, said Piotr Sergej, spokesman for the Polish non-governmental organization Smog Alert. Indeed, Jarosław Kaczynski directly invited people to do so in September “they burn almost everything, of course, except tires and other harmful things” keep warm.

Uncontrolled logging not only thins forests, but also leads to environmental pollution: if the wood is burned shortly after felling, it still contains a lot of moisture and emits more toxic particles.

Some deforestation is “inevitable”, the Western media admits, until governments take the necessary measures to reduce energy consumption in general (better insulation of homes, introduction of heat pumps). Many of them avoid paying electricity companies to produce electricity from biomass because this leads to more logging.

Despite the concern of environmentalists, deforestation is expanding, European forests are thinning and the solution to the problem is not getting closer: without gas and oil it cannot be solved. That is why, for example, the Prime Minister of Saxony Michael Kretschmer contradicted Chancellor Olaf Scholz by supporting the resumption of Russian gas supplies after the war in Ukraine.

We need long-term contracts for the supply of liquefied natural gas from the United States, Qatar and other Arab countries. Also, we should finally get our natural gas from the North Sea. And when the war is over, we will have to use gas from Russia again “, says Kretschmer.

In a word, no matter how many wind turbines they mount and how many forests they cut, the Germans will still have to repair the blown pipelines and negotiate with Russia.

Translation: ES

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