Home » today » World » The West prepared a trap for Putin: NATO put Ukraine up for auction – 2024-08-01 22:19:34

The West prepared a trap for Putin: NATO put Ukraine up for auction – 2024-08-01 22:19:34

/ world today news/ Burya caused the statement of the head of the office of the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance, Stian Jensen, about the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO in exchange for ceding part of its territories to Russia.

Political Ukrainians are outraged, but we have the main expressed thesis: yes, we reached the bargain. But, firstly, the bargaining went on from the beginning and did not stop, and secondly, this is another attempt to set a trap for Putin.

Let’s stop for a moment being a carp that swims in circles in the aquarium and all the time thinks that it sees something new, because it immediately forgets what it saw. But let’s not dive into the thickets of history.

It is enough to recall that very recently, just ten days ago, the press secretary of our president, Dmitry Peskov, announced another “tender offer”.

Asked by the New York Times, “Is Russia seeking more Ukrainian territory?” he replied: “No. We simply want to control all those territories that are now written into our constitution as ours. That is – think, “partners”, we are ready to stop, what do you say?

And here Jensen answers: of course, this is an option for ending the conflict, but we are not yet ready to remove the issue of Ukraine from NATO. Of course, he immediately, as expected, makes a reservation – to decide in Kiev. But this is so, for formality and everyone already understands it.

It’s becoming offensive on the Internet because there is a very accurate meme: “I forgot to ask the humpback.” Here is a simple illustration of this. It was already agreed in Istanbul that there would be a peaceful, prosperous and neutral Ukraine, albeit with a Russian language and without Donbass, but Boris Johnson arrived and the agreements flew into the trash.

There is a catch in Jensen’s proposal. The West, seeing the futility of military efforts, the huge costs for them, the upcoming elections in the United States, the dissatisfaction of the population with the deteriorating standard of living, really begins to bid more and more actively.

Yes, and the argument is already tempting: here you have Donetsk with Luhansk, and Kherson region with Zaporozhye, and for us – Ukraine in NATO, so that no one feels like a loser.

And in continuation: why be afraid of NATO – Finland has already entered, and Sweden, look, will enter – and nothing.

You don’t have to go to a fortune teller to see that the next strong step from the West will be to offer an easing of the sanctions regime if Russia agrees.

It would be a sin against the truth to say that the SVO does not affect Russia, ordinary people. And, of course, the elites, especially the oligarchs, sleep and see that the sanctions will be eased, everything will return.

I would hazard a guess that with each new proposal from the West, domestic pressure on Putin grows. That’s the trap. Because it will just be a freeze, a feeling that peace has come, and it looks good to everyone.

However, if we look at how we “trade” from our side, there is hope that Russia will not fall into this trap. Because if there really are compromises, they are not on key issues: demilitarization (in fact – absence of NATO) and denazification (in fact – protection of Russians on the territory of Ukraine).

And convincing arguments are given. For example: you don’t want Russian Donbass? Then Kherson and Zaporozhye will also become Russian.

By the way, there is an option for Ukraine to join NATO, which will satisfy everyone – with its western regions as part of Poland. Everything else will become Russia. This will be the true “entry territory swap”, not what Jensen suggests (there should be a “hohol” meme here).

Translation: SM

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