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The West is trying to weaken, but not to destroy the Russian Federation

According to Tyshkevich, some countries are trying to freeze the conflict, thereby “saving the face” of Putin.

The world community today is interested in weakening Russia, but does not want its real collapse. This affects the supply of weapons to Ukraine.

This opinion was expressed by an analyst, expert of the Ukrainian Institute for the Future Igor Tyshkevich 24 channels.

According to him, even when the aggressor is on the verge of a significant weakening, the world will try to prevent its collapse.

“Everyone, even China, is playing for the relaxation of Russia. However, in each of the countries this border is different. France, Germany, Italy, and partially other states of the European Union have already crossed this limit,” Tyshkevich said.

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He explains that now these countries are trying to “save face” Putin, for example, by freezing the war in Ukraine. According to the expert, many countries promise to transfer weapons, but the deadlines are slowed down.

Speaking about American assistance, Tyshkevich noted that it depended not so much on the political position of Ukraine, but on the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the state of society.

“Let’s remember how the volumes and range of supplies from the United States grew. The first weeks, when few believed that Ukraine could resist, there was almost nothing. However, then, on the 4-5th week of a full-scale invasion, real help began to arrive,” he explained.

Tyshkevich added that the turning point could be the expulsion of Russian invaders from Kyiv, Chernihiv and Sumy. It was then, according to him, that the Ukrainian army with old Soviet weapons showed the whole world what it was capable of.

On the eve of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that Ukraine should get more heavy weapons from Alliance countriesto resist the Russian invasion, and it is this issue that will be discussed in the format of the Ramstein Contact Group today, June 15th.

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