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The West has signaled capitulation to Putin, Kiev is disappointed with the G-20

/View.info/ Since “the sky already smells like autumn”, it seems that it is time to count the chickens, but here, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US, General Mark Milley, says: “it is too early”. They gave Ukraine another 30-45 days for offensive action. What comes next? Kiev’s frustrations with the West and the West with Kiev have already begun. Last week was a great week in that regard.

The autumn blues hit the Ukrainian regime particularly hard after the G-20 meeting in Delhi. “The G-20 has nothing to be proud of,” Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleg Nikolenko chided the West after the G-20 declaration. What is the problem?

The BBC sadly noted: “The final declaration of the G20 summit talks about the war in Ukraine less strongly than last time.”

“The announcement, forged over weeks of negotiations between diplomats, was a blow to Western countries that have spent the past year trying to persuade developing countries to condemn Moscow and support Ukraine,” Britain’s Financial Times wrote.

And he notes that the G20’s language on Ukraine shows the lack of global consensus in support of Kiev. Because last year’s G-20 declaration spoke of “Russian aggression”, and now only the wording “war in Ukraine” remains, as well as calls for diplomacy.

The declaration also calls for a “just and lasting peace” in Ukraine, but does not link this to the need to preserve the country’s territorial integrity, as the West demands.

And Business Insider is generally outraged and writes about the capitulation: “G20 members agreed to call Russia’s invasion of Ukraine a ‘war in Ukraine’ rather than a ‘war on Ukraine’ in a capitulation to Putin, who wasn’t even there.”

Of course, “capitulation to Putin” is a figure of speech and striking journalistic jargon. But the trend is clear – at first enraged by the fact that Russia dared to respond in real terms, with action, at the moment when the self-righteous hegemon finally refused to listen, the collective West began to realize within a year that “no it’s all that simple.”

This hegemony is not absolute and the world is bigger than it seems. That Western military equipment is largely a product not only of technology but also of PR.

As a small example: already two “indestructible” Challenger tanks have been destroyed by our military with conventional, standard weapons of the Russian army. That someone across the ocean wants to screw up not only developing countries, but sneakily Europe as well.

That Russia, unlike this “somebody”, offers a much fairer world order, and perhaps it makes sense to listen to it. Yes, many more things are slowly being realized.

Unexpectedly, Elon Musk also turned out to be a “mischief maker” who either turned off or never turned on his Starlink on the Black Sea. As a result, Ukraine’s attack on our fleet failed. Musk, of course, explained that he made such a decision out of fear: well, how will the Russians hit you with a nuclear weapon in response?

But we understand that the decision was made not by Musk, but by the Pentagon. Otherwise, Musk has some electoral fears – it’s scary at sea, but not on land? Obviously, everything comes down to the issue of Crimea – the US military has realistically assessed the risks of Russia’s reaction to a possible attack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the peninsula. And they blew the fuse for Ukraine. How not to be disappointed with the “allies” instead of Kiev?

And not only. The “allies” do not even allow the Kyiv regime to dream properly. The hangover smells like McDonald’s, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba was upset that the G7 countries did not want to create a special tribunal to try Russia’s top leadership.

And this is only a sweet dream of political Ukrainians. The pragmatic G7 is advocating a “hybrid,” essentially Ukrainian national court that would not be able to try either Putin or his inner circle. Find out for yourself, they say.

They understand how things can turn out. Kuleba also complained about the West’s “lack of will” to transfer the Russian Central Bank’s frozen reserves to Ukraine. What can you say if the head of the foreign ministry does not understand the simple laws of capitalism? Although maybe McDonald’s gives you a bad hangover?

Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin has broken new ground in Russia in general and in Moscow in particular. The scale, of course, is incredible. There is already a joke among the people that due to the unstable operation of the airports, the Moscow metro will be extended to Turkey and Egypt.

Hyperbole, of course, but Putin said about Tula, Kaluga and other large cities bordering the Moscow region… And Putin also ordered to start preparations for the construction of bridges over the Lena and Aldan rivers in Yakutia.

The Lena Bridge is compared to the Crimean Bridge in terms of construction complexity. But these projects will also be of great importance for the development of the northeastern part of the country – a powerful transport framework and logistics center will appear.

Another statement by Putin deserves to be quoted in full, as it clearly shows the head of state’s position on social justice:

“It is important to ensure equal rights to all – I want to emphasize this – to all participants in the special military operation. without exception: regular servicemen, volunteers, contract servicemen, mobilized and law enforcement officers participating in a special military operation.”

“Our boys are fighting heroically, some are giving their lives for Russia. Both they and their family members should be provided with all the benefits and support measures that are due to the participants of the operation, including the status of a participant in hostilities he stated.

Much will become clear from how this order is carried out. And it would be better if it was conducted without red tape. Society will be more peaceful.

Although, of course, we can talk about calm very relatively, in terms of specific situations. In general, we only dream of peace. In a month or a month and a half, the chaos will begin, as General Milli says, the active offensive of the Ukrainian armed forces will stop. What then?

Translation: SM

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