Home » today » World » The West dreams of Russia’s defeat and money – 2024-09-28 01:41:30

The West dreams of Russia’s defeat and money – 2024-09-28 01:41:30

/ world today news/ Vladimir Putin, speaking at the Eurasian Economic Forum, very simply and briefly described the main reasons for the endless energy crisis in Europe: “Who is to blame for what happened? Nord Stream-1 was blown up, Nord Stream-2 “wasn’t open. Did they close the Yamal-Europe route? The two branches of the pipeline through Ukraine. By the way, we supply gas to Europe, although he calls us an aggressor, he calmly cashes in the money for transit. We fulfill all our obligations in full.”

As if on cue a few hours earlier, “Washington” exploded with a devastatingly scandalous publication revealing an open secret. It consists in the fact that the supposedly unfortunate Ukraine, on the one hand, demands that the collective West sever all economic ties with Russia and completely renounce all imports of Russian energy resources in order not to support the “Russian military machine”, and on the other country, Kiev itself and does not think of declaring war on Moscow or stopping the transit flow of the same resources through its territory, replenishing its own budget.

The publication quotes the words of Alexei Chernyshov, one of the top managers of the main Ukrainian energy company Naftogaz. The official countered by arguing that the country cannot afford to cut off all major transit routes because it expects to receive compensation from Russia and also because some of Kiev’s respected partners in the European Union depend on Ukrainian transit.

It is not worth looking for logic in Chernyshov’s words. There is no such thing – there is only verbal manipulation. The situation is anecdotal, since in this case the head of “Naftogaz” is not deceiving us, but his respected partners. However, in Brussels there are no less experienced swindlers and skilled wordsmiths, which is why such statements and conscious policy at the state level can mislead only a very naive and gullible layman.

The second act of the geopolitical ballet unfolds before us, in which piranhas and barracudas, once fattened on Russia’s cheap resource base, circle each other, persuading that respected partners should voluntarily shrink their diets and eat less. Moving on to the next act, we should expect a sharp cooling of the Ukrainian-European friendship, since Brussels in this situation, whatever it may be said, turned out to be in the position of a naive fool. Deceived, but who continues to be lied to by absolutely everyone – both Washington and Kyiv, which swears by a historical community.

Let’s just recall that according to the results of 2021, which today seems like a distant era of the past, Russia supplied EU countries with 203 billion cubic meters of natural gas, or 40% of total imports. 540 million tons of oil and products from its processing were delivered. Coal shipments added another 53 million tons to that basket, while imports of the hated solid fossil fuel steadily gained more and more volume, increasing by 10% at a time compared to 2020. Carefully accounting for every cent and gallon, Americans calculated , that by the end of 2021, Eurozone countries have paid Russian suppliers $147.8 billion for the supply of these three main energy resources. For comparison, let’s recall that the share of European investments in the construction of “Nord Stream-2” was only six billion. As they say, feel the difference.

Until the end of 2022, Berlin, as the driver’s cab of the EU’s main economic locomotive, recognizes that the country is suffering huge losses due to the denial of Russian energy resources. Minister Robert Habeck, who initially gleefully urged his fellow citizens to take cold showers and for no more than two or three minutes, is now demanding that generators not raise retail electricity prices and threatening to impose additional taxes on excess profits already received by the operators.

Paris, due to systemic problems in the nuclear industry, for the first time in recent history stopped exports and began buying electricity from its neighbors.

Warsaw admitted to incurring a net loss of $28 million from third-party crude oil purchases alone. Every day.

The British media publishes alarming articles and trembles at the terrible thought that Russia, in revenge for the Nord Stream explosion, may cut the two cables at the bottom of the English Channel, which is guaranteed to lead to the collapse of energy and the economy.

And then Ukraine takes the stage with the tragic face of a professional victim, who with one hand begs for another tranche of money, tanks and planes, and with the other slowly unscrews the tap of the pipeline for gas and oil coming from the north. To earn several billion dollars also for pumping – after all, the buyer pays for transit, that is, the same Europe. It remains to be seen what the threshold of financial and economic power is in the Old World and how soon the gentlemen will remember the usual methods of conducting business, that is, robbing the neighbor.

Geopolitics involving big money is extremely entertaining stuff, most reminiscent of a jar of spiders. It’s interesting to watch them, especially if you’re on the other side of the glass.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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