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The West began to guess that they did not love him –

/ world today news/ One of the intermediate results of the SVO was the apparent loss of Washington’s global power. Yes, the US succeeded in shaking up and mobilizing the Western allies – but at the cost of endless squabbles, disputes and divisions that will yet reverberate when they stop clinging to Ukraine.

At the same time, however, Washington alienated dozens of other, non-Western countries. They flew out of the orbit of American influence and accelerated in all directions, completely ignoring the former hegemon. The Hegemon looked around and saw that he was alone.

China, seemingly closely tied to the US through economic ties, defiantly sends Secretary of State Blinken to hell. India, courted by Washington for decades, has ignored all its calls to join Ukraine. Africa, where Americans used to hang out at home, is developing economic and military cooperation with Russia.

Saudi Arabia, with which the Americans have been building relations for half a century, refuses to reduce oil production and begins to de-dollarize its exports of. And even the countries of Latin America, which the Americans are used to consider their protectorates, are lecturing the White House about the inadmissibility of inciting conflicts and leaving friends with China and Russia.

And Turkey suddenly found its interests. And Nigeria. And Indonesia and Brazil. And none of them support Washington in its passion to destroy Ukraine and Russia. The situation is truly unprecedented. A multipolar world in all its glory.

And the US is still a very rich country. And the first army in the world is not gone, let’s be honest. And the aircraft carriers are in place. And Mr. Blinken with his gay rights. But suddenly everything stopped working. Why did America’s policy of “oppress and rule” fail?

On the one hand, the leaders of the countries of the world looked at the theater of Russian-Ukrainian military actions and saw there, first of all, Washington’s undisguised attack on Russia. What if they are next in line? Each of them thought so.

On the other hand, Moscow’s successful absorption of Western military resources is encouraging. Russia has bravely resisted both military and economic pressure and continues to hold its line. “So what, so it could have been?” thought the leaders of the countries of the world. So the US isn’t quite as omnipotent as it tries to make itself out to be? And maybe all their threats are just empty talk? Well, this is where the holiday of defiance began

In less than a year, Americans began to realize the shabby isolation in which they found themselves. “The gap between the West and the rest of the world is deeper than a different understanding of the war (in Ukraine). It is caused by a serious resentment (or rather anger) at the mistakes of the West in the management of globalization that have accumulated since the end of the Cold War.” lamented former British Foreign Secretary David Miliband in his article in Foreign Affairs.

Speaking Russian, the United States and several of its vassals have been ravaging the global south for the past thirty years. The world economic restructuring that began in recent years meant a new round of this robbery. Naturally, countries around the world revolted.

Mr Miliband admits this global uprising threatens to destroy America’s “foundations of order”, especially as “more than two-thirds of the world’s population live in countries that support or are neutral towards Russia”.

What to do with all this? How to maintain American hegemony? Miliband advises the United States – this is actually the main thrust of his article – to pour more money into the countries of the Global South and reform the UN (this is a favorite British approach to reformat the Security Council to reduce Russian influence).

However, the states simply do not have enough money to take care of developing countries, even if all the charity is not stolen along the way. Instead, they could give up their monopoly position, but that is already sacrosanct. No one will give it up without a fight. So all talk of “economic solidarity” is literally pro-poor talk.

Moreover, the “anger and resentment” of the Global South is only partly economic. After all, the Anglo-Saxons didn’t just plunder other countries without neglecting to occupy and slaughter people. Moreover, with unbearable hypocrisy, they teach the robbed how to behave properly, what to speak and how to think.

Developing countries today are developing by leaps and bounds. They have their own middle class, their own educated elite and smart, well-informed youth. These people, who are no different from the average Briton or American, are disgusted above all by Western arrogance. The rudeness with which these arbiters of destiny intrude into man’s private life, into his faith, into his culture. This in itself is disgusting, and when perverted propaganda starts here, everyone just gets up and leaves: “The theater is closing, everyone is sick.”

But Miliband cannot explain this. It is unlikely that the British former minister will understand what he looks like from the side. All countries that do not join the suicidal Anglo-Saxon agenda, he calls “two chair sitters”.

And in this insulting style the whole, so to speak, discussion in “Foreign Affairs” takes place. Miliband scolds those sitting in two chairs, his opponent, the Brazilian political scientist Mathias Spector, defends them: they are not guilty, they are just trying to survive the battle of the superpowers.

But, sorry, that’s all – billions of people, these are ancient countries that arose when not only the USA, even England did not see each other. There they can probably somehow make decisions themselves, which the West must humbly listen to.

But no, only insults are carried by Western leaders. Under this well-coordinated chorus, the iceberg called the West, cut off from all humanity, floats further and further into the Great Nothingness.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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