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The Weekend Rebels: A Journey to Find Jason’s Favorite Bundesliga Club

Jason looks for a favorite club with his father. To do this, he wants to watch games from all 56 Bundesliga clubs. What complicates the search: the boy is autistic. Now his story is coming to the cinema.

Jason folds his arms and buries his hands under his armpits. He looks at the floor, his dark hair falling over his face. He doesn’t want to shake hands in greeting. He doesn’t like unannounced touching from strangers. Jason is autistic. The now 18-year-old received the diagnosis at the age of four. Asperger’s autistic people like him find social contact more difficult. They are unable to empathize with other people; many prefer to stick to strict rules and habits.

Autism is genetic and cannot be cured. But those affected can learn to live well with it. If you let them and support them. Just like Jason’s father Mirco did his son.

Many people now know Jason and Mirco von Juterczenka by a different name: “The Weekend Rebels”. That’s what the two of them call themselves since they spend every weekend trying to find a favorite football club for Jason. For twelve years now, interrupted only by Corona, they have been in a different stadium almost every week. They have already seen more than 140 games and traveled around 400,000 kilometers by train.

They first wrote a blog about their story, then a book, and now Marc Rothemund has adapted it for the cinema with Florian David Fitz as Mirco and Cecilio Andresen as Jason.

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