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The websites of the bankrupt Mladá fronta publishing house are unavailable

The insolvency proceedings of the Mladá fronta publishing house probably are not developing well for its remaining titles. Their websites are unavailable from today. On Twitter for that he pointed out Daniel Dočekal. Users will not be able to access the site at this time Euro.cz, Finance.cz, Cnews, Edna.cz or to the publisher’s website MF.cz.

But the exact causes are not clear at this time. The insolvency administrator has not yet responded to Lupa’s questions, but in the past she has according to the documents in the insolvency register sought to keep the Young Front online division operational. According to her, it generates a net income of around CZK 200,000 per month, manages approximately 20 websites and has thousands of domains registered. The total monthly costs are to amount to about CZK 1.13 million.

Server Edna.cz on its Facebook page The unavailability of the site only states that there are problems with the hosting. “Dear visitors, Edna is not coming for us again, and it looks like she won’t be staying longer than last time. We apologize for the inconvenience, but again we have problems with hosting. We hope that the situation will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding and stay with us, “he writes.

The hosting provider for the Mladá fronta websites is the company Superhosting, and according to documents, the insolvency administrator of web hosting costs CZK 185,000 per month. Another about 15 – 25 thousand a month are paid by the publisher for domains.

We are finding out the details.

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