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The weather week in a quick check: The muggy heat is followed by thunderstorms and cooling

By Björn Alexander

The heat battle goes on: the temperatures remain high in summer and the humidity increases again. In the middle of the week the sun dominates, only occasionally a few thunderstorms boil together. At the end of the week the heat is slowly waning.

The new weather week is tough and should at the same time mark the heat peak of 2020. Even if we have the highest temperatures of the year behind us in terms of heat peaks of 38 degrees and more, it is now becoming increasingly clear how exhausting a heatwave that lasts several days is. Now it is all the more important: We should take it easy and shift down a gear. Especially since now the humidity is gradually increasing and strong heat thunderstorms only occasionally provide cooling. In some cases, the ozone levels have also been significantly exceeded. Also at the limit: the forest fire risk, which is large to very large. So with levels 4 to 5 of 5.


Björn Alexander

A sustainable change in the weather situation does not become apparent until Thursday. Then the thunderstorms become more frequent and intense and bring a lasting cooling with increasing risk of storms. At the weekend with more normal summer values ​​between 21 and almost 31 degrees and much fresher nights. Here are the details.

Monday night

A little envious look towards Bavaria. Here the air is at least hot and it cools down to 17 to 13 degrees, while otherwise it remains more tropical. That means lows around or not below 20 degrees. Thunderstorms are still active here and there. Especially in the west as well as in the east.

Monday to Wednesday

As sorry as I am, it is going to be really exhausting for many of us. Because the temperature level remains midsummer and the humidity increases again. The highest temperatures are still on the Rhine and its tributaries. It remains noticeably fresher on the coast in the sea breeze and in the higher mountains. The range on Monday and Tuesday is 26 to 36 degrees. Wednesday brings us 25 to 35 degrees. The sun dominates and only occasionally a few heat thunderstorms come together. This is especially true over the mountains in the west and south-west. Where there is a crash, violent thunderstorms with local storms cannot be ruled out.


Previously it was more the punctual thunderstorms, this should change from Thursday. A thunderstorm is getting closer and the thunderstorms are getting heavier and more frequent. Sometimes with a high risk of storms due to heavy rain, hail and squalls. Especially before the thunderstorms it is very humid at 24 to 34 degrees.

Friday and weekend

The trend towards the end of the heat is here. However, there are still strong thunderstorms beforehand. On Friday tends to be in the southwest half. On Saturday more in the north and east. And Sunday is also thunderstorm. Temperatures tend to be in the normal range between 23 and 33 degrees on Friday and 21 to 31 degrees on Saturday. Sunday has 23 degrees on the North Sea and up to 31 degrees on the Upper Rhine in the program.

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