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The weather turns: – Now it must bucket down

– In southern Norway, you now get rid of the cold nights, but in return get cold days, says Rafael Escobar Løvdal, meteorologist on duty at the Meteorological Institute to Dagbladet.

Already on Monday, the showers are pouring over the region and can cause snow in some places.

– You have to be prepared for the fact that if you live in the north of Eastern Norway, then summer tires can be a problem, says Løvdal.

– Far down

The meteorologists will send out a warning for snow in this area, which will be valid from Monday to Wednesday.

– It can be challenging driving conditions, and the snow can come quite far down, he warns.

Exactly where the snow will come, however, is uncertain and the weather can change quickly. 7-8 plus degrees can suddenly result in snow showers when the low pressure comes in, says Løvdal.

– It can be sunny in one moment and sleet in the next. That’s where we are. It may be mild tomorrow, but then the precipitation comes and it gets significantly colder.

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Wet and gray

And where it does not snow, it must bucket down. Especially Østafjells.

– There will be a good deal of precipitation in Østafjells from Tuesday, but mostly along the coast from Sørlandet and up along the Oslofjord.

In the mountains there is a refill of snow.

– How far down is difficult to say, but around 500 meters, Løvdal believes, and warns that this can create problems at mountain passes.

The construction weather will last until approximately Thursday.

– The low pressure passes and we get another type of weather that is not so low pressure. But there will be changing weather still and no 20 degrees and sun waiting in southern Norway. You can look far for nice spring weather.

The positive thing about all the building weather is that the danger warning for grass fires can be scrapped, and that the spring flowering will benefit from a little refill of water, the meteorologist believes.

– In April, we had less precipitation than normal, and when we now get a solid amount, the grass and heather fire danger can cease. So it is good news for that, says Løvdal.

Beautiful in the north

Also in the north the weather changes, but here for the better. According to Løvdal, after a period of snow showers, the forecasts look «very good».

– In the north, it will be really nice this week. It will not be very hot, but it looks absolutely good the coming week. There will be sun and little wind.

In Nordland, you have to cover yourself with some gale force winds in the mountains, but otherwise the coming week offers good weather here as well.

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If the fine weather tempts you to a trip in the mountains, the meteorologist is aware that people must check the danger warning for landslides.

– Now it is bright, nice evenings in the north, and for many, the real ski season is now starting. You must check the danger warning for landslides, and in addition make your own assessments and see how it is.

On Sunday, two men in their 20s died when they were taken off a large avalanche on Sofiatinden in Lyngen in Troms.

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