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The weather trileros in El Bierzo

The ong Greenpeace just published the report “Cheating the weather”, according to which «many of the large Spanish companies cheat the climate, such as BBVA, Campofrío, Ecoembes, Endesa, Iberia and a large number of corporations that say one thing and do another.

The catalog of traps and scams detected by Greenpeace shudders: corporate goodwill, appealing to ecological neutrality that they do not comply with, changing the names of things, tricking emissions accounting, buying green energy, planting trees as an alibi; and carbon capture and storage, as they do Energy and Repsol.

What is happening is that ecology, the ecological transition and “the green” they are gaining a deserved prestige every day in all social spheres – although many flat-earthers continue to laugh at us ecologists.

Dress well, and it is elegant and progressive, hang the labels -bio and -ecoWhile we throw away plastic bags, we buy fruit from trees sprayed with pesticides or we ridicule the electric car: take it easy, ignorant, there is no where to plug it in, where there is a good gasoline with repris from 0 to 100 in five seconds. And so everything.

There is a lot of noise and little nuts, many lip service activists against climate change, present throughout society: companies, unions, mayors, councilors, political representatives, parties and small parties, neighbors. Every two days, there is a company or a provost who signs the climate emergency declaration with one hand and the order of bags from a toxic cement company with the other. Then, the cement company, the electric company, the gas company or the packaging company – all of them oligopolies with rancid privileges and well-oiled revolving doors – they pay for Christmas dinner, the election campaign, the knife, the music contest, the mayor’s holiday yacht, the hunting ground, or the wiggle. It is happening.

But, if we get serious, with the report of Greenpeace on the table, how many citizens, how many municipalities and how many companies fulfill their ecological obligations? Recycling is no longer an option, it is a must. Reducing CO2 emissions is not a whim either, but a necessity as urgent as the COVID vaccine.

“It is more and more common – says Greenpeace – to hear companies claim that their goal is to be carbon neutral. But what does this mean? It is possible to be neutral in gas emissions of greenhouse effect when the same amount of greenhouse gases is emitted into the atmosphere that is removed by different routes. And it is known that neutrality has been reached when the result of subtracting from the gross emissions produced, the emissions absorbed or offset is zero ”.

Thinking of our region -so despised and ignored-, how many Bercian municipalities are neutral in carbon emission? What companies from Bercia are taking actions to eliminate or minimize their CO2 emissions, that is, their net contribution to the warming of El Bierzo and the planet? We are eagerly awaiting the usual reports from subsidized business circles. For all of them, Greenpeace proposes to condition public aid and State bailouts on compliance with the roadmap of the decarbonization of the Spanish economy. In other words: not one euro of public aid or subsidy for a city council or company that continues to produce carbon emissions, polluting the air or the subsoil. Zero subsidy – and penalizing emissions and polluting practices – is the only language they understand. No more excuses.

In El Bierzo, as in the rest of the country, we are far from rigorously tackling climate change and applying scientific recommendations so as not to exceed the 1,5ºC increase in global temperature. The prestige of the ecological conceals the hypocritical joke. Is the call ‘greenwashing’ (green face and ass wash, in free translation), that is, buying images with lobbying, advertising and sponsorship techniques, while the garbage is hidden under the carpet, or dioxins are emitted from the rooftops.

And beware, those who pollute the most are the ones who lie to us the most: the more dangerous the activity, the more you will see those toxic companies dress up as a lagarterana and sell us her good roll, Campofrío type – to cite an example from the Greenpeace report – and its maudlin Christmas announcement, while its industrial activity contributes to the destruction of the planet.

So -lords, ladies and gentlemen of the table, the round bed, the business thing, the subsidized chamber and the nocturnal adoration-, I bring you a commission from Greenpeace: let’s take an inventory of the town councils and companies that cheat the weather in El Bierzo; and for them, a ZERO subsidy.

Let’s blacklist cheating city councils and toxic companies, and nail it to the door of the City of Energy as Luther nailed his theses in the cathedral of Wittenberg. I would give them a few names and surnames, but my mother scolds me, the doctor advises me against it and this newspaper does not publish pornography during children’s hours.

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