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The weather that awaits New York for this Sunday night | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

fashionable wings.remember that the city hascooling centers.alejandro: let’s go with jeusópez and the weather report.jeús: í.It’s going to rain Monday night.it’s going to leave us rain and it’sgood for the drought.we have quite a lot of cloudiness inelárea triestatal.80° for new york.dense cloud cover in newark.new haven, with some cloud andsol.at 7:00 in the morning we havethe risk of showers.the risk of rain continuesduring Monday.at 3:00 in the afternoon we haverisk of electrical storms.81°.at 6:00 p.m., withrisk of electrical storms.at 8:00 am,we will have showers towards thiszone.some showers in the areacoastal connecticut. therain stays west.at 2:00 in the afternoon, withheavy rain and someelectrical discharges, in theMetropolitan area.at 6:00 in the afternoon it formsthis frontal band that will pass

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