Rafael: like every 15 minuteswe go immediately withour meteorologist lucrecia dethe guardians of time withtime and traffic in “alwake”.lucrecia: pure water ofspring the official water of theweather coverage here inunivision 41. definitelythe winds are what they aredetermining temperaturesWhat are we experiencing?has to go to the nexthours we are not talking aboutstrong winds but í degusts that reach the3040 in some of ourregions, is affecting thethermal sensation that we areexperimenting and we will havealong the you carry theresponsible ofsee clear skies in thesethermal sensation momentspenalty 17.while for thevicinity of the guardwe see an ermic sensation ofaround 20, 14 in whatregards the area, for the restof the conditions that areremain stable even thoughtemperature increases aswe are getting closer to himnoon and for that10:00 am we wait for athermometer at 31. one afternoonclear in the vicinityof new york city.rest of the week athermometer that tomorrow reaches