no matter your statusmigratory.reporting from queens,Damaris Iaz.Rafael: Thank you.we passed with the guardians of theweatherwill make these divine 80 knowndegrees for this Holy Thursday.lucrecia: how has it cost usget to aá, enoughmonths of cold temperatures andI think many people are alreadyready to enjoy theseamounts in thermometerslet’s see right nowthe 59 in newark, not allías we did not raise so alidosen elárea triestatal, 57 andnew york while in loregarding thesuburban connecticuttemps in the 56s.but that thermometer goescontinue uploading and i’ll show youwhat is my forecast today forconstruction, if you haveto work inside, the truththe conditions will bequite nice, 60 for7:00 in the morning.If you work outdoors,temperatures will be picking upthe 77 for noon, do notblock especially if youit’s time to spend a good amount ofoutside time.80 by 4:00 in the afternoonbut we have that probabilityof electrical storms betweeneight past three, it’s a riskmarginal but still existsthat possibility that accompanythe rains that we are going to havehoy.maxims, see nothing wings,temperatures at 84 for thenewark area while