A very hot Friday is expected across the region. Check the maximum and minimum temperatures.
The specialized site accuweather shared The weather forecast for Monterrey for this Friday, August 2, 2024where a very hot day is expected.
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According to specialists, It will be a sunny to partly cloudy day during the afternoon with only a 2% chance of precipitation. Wind gusts could reach up to 35 kilometers per hour.
If you are going to be out and about, it is important to protect yourself from the sun, as the maximum UV index is 12 and is considered “very unhealthy.”
Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Weather in Monterrey: maximum and minimum temperature for this Thursday, August 1, 2024
Weather in Monterrey: maximum and minimum temperature for this Friday, August 2, 2024
- Maximum expected temperature: 34°C
- Minimum expected temperature: 20°C
- Winds: gusts of up to 35 km/h