for putting us in context,independentlyof what is the situation ofthese children alone in theborder, it is painful we go with rafa.rafa: good morning, and of coursewe have good news in thetime, from the rainsclear conditions, wingsforward on this friday,you too friendsviewers, there it shinescloudiness, we have of the north and west.other locations if I go tosouth, they are retreating becausethey are scattered tiny showers.I’m going to a more enlarged viewso they can see the green dotsand then more rain will comeduring this very morning,wind alert a lotcaution.temperatures are hotabove 50 in thecity.the coasts and other localities,we will reach 76, the record of75. the sun is with usand the rain in the morning alreadysuper clear afternoonand be a jewel of over 60with a lot of sun on this Saturday,