Today, temperatures will be between 18 and 26°C in Bordeaux. Showers will arrive in the morning. A westerly breeze will blow gently. Scattered rain is forecast for the afternoon. The values will be 23°C minimum and 26°C maximum. A northwest wind is expected: it will blow at 22 km/h. In the evening, the wind will gradually drive away the greyness. A lightly cloudy night is expected between Saturday and Sunday.
The high temperatures are installed in Bordeaux. With temperatures between 16 and 27°C. Values will range between 16 and 27°C tomorrow. A northwesterly wind will refresh the atmosphere a little. The morning will remain gray because of clouds that persist in the sky. Scattered rain is forecast. Temperatures will be around 21°C. Young and old can enjoy their afternoon under a slightly cloudy sky. Temperatures will rise several degrees. The city will experience a wave of extreme heat with temperatures that will sometimes reach 27°C. Values will range from 25 to 27°C.
Changes are expected in the coming days. An improvement is expected on Tuesday, after a cloudy day on Monday.
2023-07-01 00:36:03
#Weather #forecast #Saturday #July #Bordeaux