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The weather center told about the weather in June – Society

MOSCOW, June 1. / TASS /. The average monthly temperature in most of Russia will be near normal in June; Western Siberia, the northern half of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Chukotka will become “hot spots”. This was reported to TASS by the scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia Roman Vilfand.

“The hot spot in June is Western Siberia and the northern half of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, actually to the border with Yakutia. A hot month is also expected in Chukotka,” he said.

According to Villefand, in Europe the average monthly temperature in June is expected to be around normal. “Almost everywhere it will be near the norm, but a small negative deviation from the norm to the West from Moscow: Smolensk, Bryansk, Tver regions. It’s not about cold weather, of course,” he said.

June in the European territory of the country will begin with “fresh weather”, according to Villefund. “It will be real Arctic freshness. So, June will begin with fresh and predicted weather,” the meteorologist emphasized.

However, the first heat waves were not ruled out already in June. “As predicted, several very hot periods are expected when the temperature will be five to six degrees above normal,” Villefand said, noting that a more detailed forecast for heat waves in June will appear a little later.

Earlier Villefand reportedthat the temperature background is five to six degrees below normal expected from June 2 on the European territory of Russia.

Precipitation in the regions

Villefand said that more than normal precipitation is expected in the Kaliningrad region, Crimea, Krasnodar Territory, Taimyr and the Pacific coast of Russia in June. Precipitation deficit is forecasted in Khakassia, Tuva, Transbaikal Territory, Amur Region and in the north of Yakutia.

“Precipitation is expected to be more than normal in the Kaliningrad region, Crimea and Krasnodar Territory. More than normal is still in Taimyr and the entire Pacific coast of the country: Kamchatka and Khabarovsk Territory,” he said.

According to Villefand, a precipitation deficit is expected in the extreme south of Eastern Siberia: Khakassia, Tuva, Transbaikal Territory. Also in the Far East: Amur Region and in the north of Yakutia.

“This confirms the forecast about the difficult fire hazard situation that we released earlier,” the meteorologist emphasized.

According to the forecast of Roshydromet, a high fire hazard is predicted in Siberia and the Far East, as well as in the European part of the country during the entire fire hazard season of 2020 and may well be among the five most burning.

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