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the wearing of the mask in the street not obligatory for the moment, but remains “under study”

More and more cities make it compulsory to wear a mask. On Tuesday, the Prime Minister called on the prefects to extend the measure. This Wednesday, March 12, the prefecture of Côte specifies that this obligation is not relevant for the moment, but remains under study in Dijon.

An “action plan” will be put in place at the metropolitan level in the event of a rebound in the Covid-19 epidemic. This is for the moment the only announcement that emerges from the meeting held yesterday in the prefecture with the elected officials of Dijon metropolis and the regional health agency.

Four recovery scenarios are envisaged. But for the moment, elected officials and state services have not decided on the implementation of new measures.

The obligation to wear a mask remains “under study”

A list of graduated measures must be put in place according to each epidemic scenario. “Among all the possible measures is the obligation to wear a mask in public spaces, including outdoors.” The measure is not current in Burgundy. “This measure is currently being studied in association with the mayors, in order to help slow the rebound of the epidemic.”

“As soon as it appears necessary, the measures will be taken without delay” also specifies the press release from the prefecture.

The more alarmist Prime Minister

Tuesday, August 11, the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, visiting the Montpellier University Hospital, had nevertheless announced that he was going “ask the prefects to get closer to local elected officials to extend as much as possible the obligation to wear a mask in outdoor public spaces. “

On the eve of the meeting in the prefecture, the town hall of Dijon was less in a hurry. “If indeed, the rate of reproduction of the virus accelerates and it is relevant to take this decree, we will take it. Finally the prefecture will take it” explained Nathalie Koenders, 1st deputy at the town hall of Dijon who referred the decision to the State services.

There remains the question of the control of these measures in the event of obligation according to Nathalie Koenders. “Now we will have to give ourselves the means to enforce and respect it.“On Tuesday, Prime Minister Jean Castex also announced a strengthening of controls,”to ensure the effectiveness of the measures“. Here too, it will be the prefects who will have to establish a control plan.

Dijon among the 20 “points of difficulty for September”

Friday August 7, the ARS of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté had alerted to a rebound in new cases of contamination, “The highest“since the release of confinement in the region. She called once again for the respect of barrier gestures.

Twenty major French metropolises will be a point of difficulty for September. ” This is also the opinion of the President of the Scientific Council, Professor Jean-François Delfraissy in an interview with our colleagues from Europe 1 on Monday, August 10. Among these cities: Dijon, Paris, Marseille, Toulouse but also Nîmes, Angers and Villeurbanne.

We are going to be particularly attentive and we have in mind the idea that a reflection be put in place with the big cities to anticipate the measures to be taken for the start of the September school year.“explains Professor Delfraissy. Does that mean the wearing of the mask obligatory in public spaces?”The Scientific Council is not there to give precise data, it is there to give major orientations“answers the doctor.

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