Home » today » Technology » The weakened economy is changing the situation on the labor market. Wage growth will probably stop this year – ČT24 – Czech Television

The weakened economy is changing the situation on the labor market. Wage growth will probably stop this year – ČT24 – Czech Television

The Olomouc company MLS Holice for the production of generators is one of the happier ones in the region. It did not have to restrict traffic due to coronavirus. It has more than 700 employees in two plants. In April, five percent were added across the board. Their average gross wage of 35,000 exceeds the regional average. The company would now like to hire more people.

“We will see how the situation continues to develop for the rest of the year, when various support and antivirus products may run out. Some companies may lay off and this could be interesting. There will be more and perhaps better people on the labor market, “said Vladan Hlaváč, the company’s director.

Other employers are likely to bet on similar tactics.

“Labor productivity itself has more or less stagnated in recent years for employees, and employers will now have the opportunity to increase productivity again,” said Grafton Recruitment Director Martin Malo.

So far, the lack of people has been known mainly in qualified positions. Employers had to fight for those, and one of the main weapons was the offer of a higher wage. In some positions, the payout could vary from region to region by tens of thousands.

But now people are often beginning to prefer income security and a safe work environment to higher earnings. This is an advantage needed in IT.

“We try to protect our people, so thanks to modern technology we are able to allow them to work from home, which most of them use,” said Acamaru director Illya Pavlov. This Prague company has been providing specialists for various clients for its clients for almost ten years. In their sector, wages have grown by tens of percent in recent years. But even here, employees are starting to bet on security.

“Of course, there are people who will be in high demand at any time, they are not afraid of it, but we are talking about units of percent,” Pavlov added.

There will now be an even greater shortage of qualified people in the IT sector. He lost a large part of specialists from abroad.

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