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the water flows from there

The Domaine de Volkrange, in Thionville, rehabilitated as an ecological and tourist site in 1990, is a pretty corner of nature steeped in history. This thirty-hectare park was the subject, in the spring of 2020, of an in-depth study of the hydraulic functioning and an ecological inventory.

At the end of the diagnosis, it appeared that the site, which had become a natural and educational environment, was encountering problems of eutrophication and siltation of its various water surfaces, which are the pond, the pond, the moat of the castle and the basins. fish farms.

The City of Thionville, which wishes to emphasize ecology, has planned development work intended to improve the quality of aquatic environments, to restore a wetland for educational purposes, to drain and clean the pond of the domain . All this with the aim of enhancing their biological, landscape and hydraulic qualities.

Twelve months of work

The work was carried out between March 2021 and April 2022 with cuts necessary to respect the ecological calendar. “It was imperative that the work stop during the amphibian reproduction period which starts at the beginning of April”, indicates Patricia Renaux, deputy mayor in charge of ecological transition and the living environment. The first phase of felling the spruces affected by bark beetles and the pruning of the branches obstructing the flow of the watercourse allowed the kick-off of this vast project.

During the fall of 2021, various actions on the fish ponds were carried out with the creation of a flow channel, a pedestrian path, the uncovering of the watercourse as well as the installation of two new footbridges .

The drained pond

The pond has undergone a complete facelift thanks to a temporary softening of the slopes of the embankment, the removal of the culvert and the opening of the outlet stream. Finally, the pond was drained and cleaned, and provided with a drainage structure. Its wetland has also been restored, the planks evacuated, its banks softened and a new pontoon installed.

The water course was officially inaugurated on Saturday June 4 in the presence of Pierre Cuny, mayor of the city.

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