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the war: – Russian pilot praised after this

A video that is now circulating on social media shows what is to be a Russian pilot who has just landed in the Turkish city of Antalya.

Shortly after landing, the pilot comes with a message to the passengers over the loudspeaker system:

– This is the captain talking. Welcome to Antalya. On behalf of myself and not on behalf of the airline: I think the war with Ukraine is a crime. We should not continue this war. We must stop it immediately, says the Russian pilot over the loudspeaker system inside the cabin.

Watch the video at the top of the case.

– Brave

The message was read out in both Russian and English, and the pilot will, according to New York Post have been greeted with applause after the clear message he shared with the passengers.

The Ukrainian diplomat, Oleksandr Scherba, has retweeted the video, which was filmed from inside the plane, and calls the pilot brave.

The British newspaper Independentwho also mentioned the video, writes that the pilot works for the airline Pobeda, which is a subsidiary of the Russian company, Aeroflot, which is considered the flagship of Russian aviation.

Controversial bill

Also Pjotr ​​Sauer, reporter in The Guardian, has retweeted the video.

– Rarely to see public opposition to the war given the consequences such a statement will have, he writes Twitter.

The consequences Sheep aims at can be put in context the bill approved by the Russian National Assembly in early March. There they opened to prosecute those who spread false news about the Russian military.

The bill also allows for large fines and prison sentences of up to 15 years. The most severe punishment is for those who use their official position to spread “false information” that has “serious consequences”.

ANTI-WAR MESSAGE: A woman stormed a live broadcast from the Russian TV channel Channel 1 with this message.
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The Duma also approved a bill that allows for large fines for anyone who protests against military operations. If the law is broken twice in one year, the offender risks more severe punishment according to the penal code, writes TASS.

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