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The war is knocking on Germany’s door

The mayor of Kyiv and former world boxing champion Vitali Klitschko warned the Germans that the war would soon knock on their door if they did not provide the necessary support to Ukraine against Russia.

“One week ago, four Russian planes flew over the city and destroyed this factory. This is the so-called “special operation” of the Russians against alleged military units. But this company has been producing wagons for centuries, including grain. But never military equipment. The only meaning I see in this company’s attack is to starve Ukraine and the whole of Europe. The war will knock on the door of the Germans, “Klitschko said in an interview with Bild.

There were no attacks on the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, for almost a month, and peace seemed to return. Until Russian troops fired rockets at the city again a week ago.

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“Life has returned to the city, it is felt. In mid-March, it was still a ghost town. There were no people in the city, no cars. Now life is back – but peace is very fragile. Just as only ruins of the building remain, you can see that this life and peace is also very fragile, it can happen at any moment. The sirens are still howling. A week ago, the four missiles landed in Kyiv, in the city. The sky above our heads is not safe – Europe needs to understand that. The blue sky, the summer – this is an illusion that there is peace. Fierce battles are being fought a few hundred kilometers away. The Russians have more soldiers, more artillery and more equipment – so we urgently need support. I want to emphasize once again: we are not just protecting our families, our cities and our country. We also defend the values ​​of every Western democracy. We need support. We need ammunition, we need modern weapons – defensive weapons. If they do not come soon, more Ukrainian heroes will die. They are fighting with simple weapons against the modern weapons of the Russians. We must defend our soldiers and our country – that is why it is important to acquire modern weapons. I emphasize again: these are defensive weapons, we are just defending ourselves, “the mayor of Kyiv continued.

“As far as guilt is concerned, a lot can be pushed back and forth. But the blame for this war is definitely on the Russian side. It is important to understand that if we fall, so will you. We are connected. Peace, democracy – this beautiful world is being destroyed here in Ukraine, “concluded Vitali Klitschko.

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