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The War in Ukraine Two Years In: Assessing the Threat to Europe and the Need for Rearmament

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Assessing the Growing Concerns Regarding Conflict Between Russia and the West


Europe and Britain are witnessing growing apprehension over the potential escalation of hostilities between Russia and the West, particularly due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, which has entered its third year (source). The current wave of warnings aims to garner public support for increased defense expenditures, following the “scare the hell out of them” strategy (source). It is essential to critically examine these arguments, framing the goal of European rearmament and the perceived threats within the context of current geopolitical realities.

Evaluating the Russian Threat

Despite the ongoing war, the notion of Russia launching a premeditated invasion of a NATO country remains highly improbable. Acknowledging Russia’s weakened military, its limited achievements in Ukraine against significant casualties, and Ukraine’s successful countering of the Russian Black Sea fleet, it becomes evident that Russia lacks a genuine conventional threat to the EU and NATO (source). Russian President Vladimir Putin’s consistent denial of plans to attack NATO unless Russia is provoked should be considered due to the objective reasons supporting his claims (source).

Assessing European Self-Defense

European nations, even without the United States, possess superior numbers, weaponry, and military spending when collectively considered. The primary challenge lies in the failure to consolidate and synchronize these military resources. Furthermore, the defensive approach favored by Ukraine during the conflict has demonstrated its strategic advantages. In the event of an attack on a NATO member, a complete and crippling naval blockade on Russian maritime energy exports by Western countries would be imposed, significantly limiting Russia’s options.source.

Russian Nuclear Threat and Imperative for European Confidence

Putin’s nuclear threats mainly serve to deter direct intervention in Ukraine. Russian actions against NATO have been cautious so far, despite the support NATO has provided Ukraine. Consequently, elminating the threat of Russian invasion highlights the necessity for European rearmament to be framed by efforts to establish peace and secure Europe’s interests. The ability to defend themselves independently would free Europe from undue reliance on the United States, granting the continent the capability to establish a stance conducive to peace and break free from the escalating confrontation between the US and China.

European Autonomy and Geopolitical Benefits

Striving for self-confidence in defending their continent without US support would have enabled European countries to prevent NATO expansion into territories like Ukraine early on. This approach would have facilitated reaching a compromise with Russia over Ukraine rather than imposing a divisive stance on Russia. In this context, symboilzing strategic autonomy would have given Europeans the flexibility to pursue their own goals, averting disastrous results stemming from the interplay of ineffective policies.source

European Security and the Middle East Dilemma

Europe’s capacity to protect its industry, political stability, and liberal democracy is threatened by the evolution of its relations with Russia, rather than developments in eastern Ukraine alone. Relying on Russian energy resources while maintaining a hawkish stance against Russia places Germany and other leading European countries in a precarious position. Unforeseen geopolitical developments, such as the Middle East turmoil, hold potential to incite terrorism and discord within Europe. Fostering European self-defense would facilitate a more coherent, self-interested, and broader approach to international relations, hence mitigating these threats.source

Concluding Remarks

Europe’s concerns about the Russian threat must be critically examined in light of current realities. Europe’s self-defense should be viewed as an opportunity to establish an autonomous and confident stance that offers a route to peace through dialogue and negotiation. Above all, a comprehensive approach that combines effective military defense and sensible diplomatic strategies is imperative to safeguard Europe’s interests. Assessing the situation in this way allows Europe to navigate a complex world with freedom, autonomy, and security. 

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