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The war in Ukraine: – Refused to lead

Yuri Kerpatenko was the principal conductor of the Kherson Philharmonic.

According to Ukrainian local prosecutors Kerpatenko is said to have been shot at by Russian occupation authorities in his own home when he refused to cooperate with the occupation authorities.

Prior to the murder, Kerpatenko is said to have tried to persuade him to cooperate through threats.

The conductor stopped having contact with family and friends towards the end of September, it is said.

The prosecutor writes that he has launched an investigation into the case.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Culture also mentions the murder on its Facebook page.

– We express our deepest condolences to Yuri’s loved ones and colleagues. Eternal memory, writes the Ministry of Culture.

On the conductor Facebook profile – which has its latest update dated May 29 – condolences are now on the way.

Russian authorities did not comment on the alleged murder of the conductor.

GO TO DEFENSE: Ukrainians have seized large areas of land in the Kherson region. Russia’s new move could backfire, former Lieutenant General Arne Bård Dalhaug believes. Video: Dagbladet TV / AP. Reporter: Håvard TL Knutsen.
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Throw a party

The independent Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta refers to the local newspaper Kherson Online, which writes that the conductor refused to conduct during a celebratory concert organized by the occupation authorities on October 1.

The background for the celebration was International Music Day, which is held on 1 October each year.

The Ukrainian news agency Interfax also denounced the alleged murder.

At the end of September, Russia announced the annexation of the Ukrainian regions of Kherson, Zaporizhzhya, Luhansk and Donetsk with a large-scale celebration in Moscow.

The annexation of has been condemned by much of the world community – most recently by On Thursday the General Assembly of the United Nations.

According to the Ukrainian Ministry of Culture, the concert was intended to demonstrate “the improvement of peaceful life” in the city.

Gaining ground

This fall, Ukrainian forces recaptured large areas of land in a counter-offensive.

In recent weeks, Ukraine has recaptured over 50 villages and settlements in Kherson County, according to the Ukrainian news agency Interfax. The information has not been confirmed by independent sources.

On Wednesday morning, the AFP news agency reported that Ukraine had recaptured five new settlements in Kherson.

According to former Lieutenant General Arne Bård Dalhaug, Russian forces face a possible dilemma:

Of Russian forces can continue fighting in Kherson or carry out an orderly withdrawal.

– By taking Kherson out and heading to the east side of the river, they will be able to carry both people and as much material as possible. They can use it in turn to reorganize elsewhere, Dalhaug told Dagbladet on Wednesday.

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