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The war in Ukraine – A protracted crisis

In a recent interview with NBC News says Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin, that the Ukraine crisis will be protracted.

– It will be a long-term crisis. We will never have confidence in the West again, says Peskov to the channel.

NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg has also previously stated that he believes it could take several years before the war in Ukraine is over.

– No one knows how long the war will last. We must prepare for the fact that it may take several years. We must not let go of support for Ukraine, even though the costs are high, not only in terms of military support, but also as a result of rising energy and food prices, Stoltenberg said in an interview with the German newspaper Bild am Sonntag.

ATTACKING THE SHOOTING TOMBS: A video published by Ukraine’s 24th Brigade will show the private paramilitary “Wagner group” attacking Ukrainian trenches in April 2022. Video: Telegram. Reporter: Vegard Krüger.
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Accused West

In a speech on Friday, June 17, Putin accused Western countries of deliberately undermining the world order as a result of “geopolitical illusions.”

In his speech, he also accused the world’s richest country of considering other countries as its colonies, while at the same time emphasizing that the era of a unipolar world order is over, despite all attempts to preserve it.

“Nothing in the world will be the same again in international politics,” Putin said, adding that the United States is behaving as if the Americans were sent to earth by God with sacred interests.

SPEAKING: During the event SPIEF, Russian President Vladimir Putin held where he, not unexpectedly, visited the invasion of Ukraine. Photo: NTB
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He acknowledged that it was a turbulent time, but believed that time to return to the way it was before is over.

“Western leaders are clinging to the old, and refusing to move on to obvious new ideas,” Putin said, adding:

– Nothing will be as before in global politics, he said.

Attacks Sievjerodonetsk

Russia has recently focused its forces on surrounding Sevierodonetsk, located in Luhansk Oblast in eastern Ukraine.

Russia has for weeks attacked Sevierodonetsk and Lysychansk, which are separated only by a river, writes NTB. These are the last cities in Luhansk where Ukrainian forces have been in control.

Now Russia will be about to to send all of the reserve troops to Sevierodonetsk.

– Today, tomorrow and the day after, they (Russia, journ.anm.) Will send in all their reserve resources. “Because there are many of them here already, this could be a critical point,” Serhiy Hajdaj, governor of Luhansk Oblast Donbas, said in a statement on Saturday. Reuters.

However, this has not been confirmed by the Russian team.

If Russia takes over Sevierodonetsk, Russian forces will be able to continue their advance towards Slavyansk and the city of Kramatorsk, thus approaching what is one of Russia’s explicit targets for the invasion, to take control of the entire Donbas region in eastern Ukraine.

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