Home » Entertainment » The War Has Not Started: A Powerful Play Uniting Themes of Devastation and Fragility

The War Has Not Started: A Powerful Play Uniting Themes of Devastation and Fragility

Young Riga Theater actress Guna Zariņa, Riga Russian Theater actor Aleksandrs Malikovs and Lithuanian actor Gītis Ivanausks will play 12 short stories on stage, which are united by the devastation of war and concerns about the fragility of the world, the feeling of helplessness and the desire to escape from reality.

Playwright Mikhail Durnenkov’s play “The War Has Not Started” was written in the spring of 2015, and it contains the first reflection of the war.

The play was successful and was translated into English, Romanian, Czech, Italian, Lithuanian and Finnish, it was also staged in Riga in 2018, with the participation of three actors who represent different theater schools and cultural spaces of different languages.

The director of the show is Lera Surkova, who was born in Latvia and graduated from the Moscow Fine Arts School, created the production together with stage designer Māras Brock, music author Oļu Krikova, pianist Rihards Plešanovs at the piano.

In the show, separate short stories, written as sketches or monologues, each with its own plot, are linked together to form a single dramatic line.

The problems that worry the characters of the play worry all of us – the fear of losing loved ones and family ties; technological advances and helpless old men in the deep countryside; a consumer society that is used to choosing the best but has forgotten what true feelings mean; the aggression that flares up in the streets; and countless ways to escape from reality.

After the show, the audience is invited to stay for a discussion, which will be led by the Liepaja woman Viktorija Trofimova-Gaiķe and the show’s producer Yevgēnija Shermeneva.

2023-09-19 04:13:00
#Liepāja #theater #watch #show #Russian

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