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The Wall Built by Neighbors in Front of Vishnu’s House Standing on the Village Land Page all

KOMPAS.com – About three years old, Wisnu Widodo, a resident of Gandukilay Village, Sukorejo District, Regency Ponorogo, East Java, was forced to jump over a one meter high wall to get in and out of his house.

The wall was built by neighboring Wisnu, a resident with the initials M.

The village head of Gandukulat Suroso said the wall was built because of a trivial problem.

Initially, Vishnu raised chickens in 2016. At that time, M and her husband often stepped on chicken droppings while passing the road in front of Vishnu’s house.

Annoyed, M built a wall fence in front of Vishnu’s house in 2017.

The village government has repeatedly mediated between the two parties to solve the problem of building the wall fence.

Also read: Because of Chicken Shit, Neighbors Build a 1-Meter Wall in Front of Wisnu’s House

Because, Suroso said, the wall fence was built on land owned by the village. The land cannot be claimed as ownership.

The village also suggested to M to give way in front of Vishnu’s house, but the suggestion was rejected.

“Insisted the M, felt that it was his right,” said Suroso when contacted on Friday (24/7/2020).

The issue of building a wall fence was also brought to court.

The court also won Vishnu because it was considered as the injured party.

Suroso has also given a letter from the court to M, but still no action.

“When I gave the court letter, I heard I wanted to appeal the M,” he said.

Difficulty in and out of the house

Vishnu is having difficulty getting in and out of the house. He was forced to use wooden chairs as a footing to jump over the wall.

“The wall fence was built in 2017,” said Wisnu when contacted.

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Wisnu said, there is an alternative access that can be passed without having to jump over the wall fence.

However, the alternative lane which is an alley next to his house is only as wide as an adult’s body.

“Yes, it’s difficult if you want to enter the house,” he added.

The fate of Vishnu who was forced to jump over the fence to enter the house was recorded in a video and viral on social media.

In the video, Vishnu, who works as a masseur, has difficulty daily jumping over the fence in front of his house.

(Contributor Magetan, Sukoco)

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