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The Voi commander wants more regulation of electric kicks in Oslo

The head of Voi electric bicycle operator, Christina Moe Gjerde, believes the Oslo politicians are not doing enough to regulate the industry. – We miss the power of action, she says.

The head of the electric kiosk operator Voi wants more regulation of the industry. Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB scanpix

– The city is flooded with scooters, and no commercial players alone are profitable to get things settled. Now it’s all about getting bigger, says Voi chief Christina Moe Gjerde Today’s business.

In several cities around Europe, the industry is regulated, but it is not in Oslo. Christina Moe Gjerde is now asking the authorities to take more action.

Missing power

She also believes that politicians do not keep up with the rapid developments that are happening.

– Responsible players have in the last 15 months demanded regulation and orderly conditions, unlike the Uber model, and this should be exploited. The bureaucrats in the municipality are left to themselves without a good enough mandate. We miss political leadership and power, says Gjerde.

Voi wants, among other things, a licensing scheme with organized parking.

Asking for help from the government

The Transport Council in Oslo Arild Hermstad (MDG) says that the municipality is working on arranging parking solutions. At the same time, he asks the government to get on the field.

– It is fun with scooters, we need the government to give us the opportunity to regulate this so that there will be no chaos or traffic jams, he says.

Helge Orten (H), who chairs the transport and communication committee at the Storting, agrees that there is a need for regulation of electric bicycle rides. He believes the responsibility lies with the red-green city council in Oslo.

– Hermstad points to everyone but himself. Now it is time to grab. In my opinion, the City Council in Oslo has the opportunity to regulate this within the current regulations. If there is a need for further measures, I expect him to be concrete, Orten says in an email to NTB.

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