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The virus was probably brought to the nursing home by two music therapists

“We consider both musicians to be a source of infection,” confirmed Veronika Krejčí, spokeswoman for the Hradec Králové Regional Hygiene Station. Work for people whose condition requires constant institutional care has cruelly disgraced a couple who regularly contemplate the music therapy repertoire. They ended up in a ten-day home isolation and won’t play for long.

They want support

“If they do not have symptoms of infection and fill in an affidavit of infectivity, they can be considered cured. They can continue to run music production. We appeal to the operators of social facilities to be careful, “added Krejčí.

Music therapists played and sang after a previous performance in Holice and Kouřim in the Kolín region for the last time in Úpice, where their string this year inadvertently ended.
“We looked for where we could catch it. Holice came out, where we played ten days before the covid broke out. The cane is clear, we dragged the infection there. We reject the accusation that we would infect hundreds of people. One tries to distribute joy, love and well-being and then learns what happened. They gave up the contracted performances somewhere. Elsewhere, they consider us cured, without the risk of further transmission, and they do not want to deprive clients of our production, “said one of the musicians.

Úpický hotel Senior house Beránek.

Photo: Vladislav Prouza, Law

Music security, in which the audience actively complements musicians by singing and playing musical instruments, has been significantly rounded up by current security measures. “They kept their distance and did not lend tools. Before entering the building, we measured their temperature. The transmission of the disease probably took place through an employee who came into contact with them, not towards the audience, “says Jan Štefka, director of Úpice Beránek, where they now register seventeen infected employees and thirty clients.

The operation of the senior house is provided by a fraction of the staff, strengthened by five external experts. “Employees are quarantined, as are clients. We work thanks to the dedication of the staff, which, unlike state-subsidized facilities, we cannot properly evaluate. That is why we are asking the Ministry of Finance and Health for financial support, “said Štefka.

The covidem-19 infection also affected two primary schools in Úpice. “In one, a teacher and dozens of children were tested positive. Five classes with a total of a hundred pupils are quarantined, “said the mayor of Úpice, Petr Hron (unknown).

According to the latest information, the disease is being isolated in the Topas barber sanatorium with 98 infected clients and four employees. “We did not have to take any special measures. Firefighters disinfected the building during Monday, “said the mayor of Holice, Ondřej Výborný (unknown).

People infected with covid-19 remain in isolation in the rooms in Úpice. “If possible, we do everything we can to ensure that the infection does not spread,” Štefka said. The insulation of the positively tested is also valid in Holice. “I don’t assume that they did something wrong there,” added Antonín Vykydal, director of the Regional Hygiene Station in Pardubice.

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